Well, isn’t THIS interesting?

What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly Influenza A and some
were influenza B, but not a single case of Covid

Well, isn’t this interesting?

“I’m a clinical lab scientist

I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I’m a clinical lab scientist and have
tested 1500 “supposed” positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S.
California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch’s postulates
and observation under a SEM (scanning electron microscope), we found NO Covid
in any of the 1500 samples.

What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly Influenza A and some
were influenza B, but not a single case of Covid, and we did not use the B.S.
PCR test. We then sent the remainder of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a
few of the University of California labs and they found the same results as we
did, NO COVID. They found influenza A and B. All of us then spoke to the CDC
and asked for viable samples of COVID, which CDC said they could not provide as
they did not have any samples. We have now come to the firm conclusion through
all our research and lab work, that the COVID 19 was imaginary and fictitious.”

SOURCE:https://joerizoliopinions.onlinegroups.net/groups/joe-rizoliopinions/messages/topic/5TCwkDUfl9Q9h0OpKZKf0E cojoerizoliopinions.onlinegroups.net

4th estate or 5th column

Twitter has shut down a newspaper’s account (The NY Post) because it is reporting things Twitter does not think you should hear, and that the entire mainstream media support this corporate censorship of the press, likewise gets a shrug if not applause.

Doesn’t it seem kind of weird that the biggest corruption scandal in American history is entirely AWOL from the mainstream media? No? Exactly. I’m not surprised either and that may be the scariest thing about this unprecedented flex toward soft totalitarianism.

Here’s the strangest part of the unanimous mainstream media blackout of the outrages of the Biden Crime Clan. It’s that we aren’t more shocked. Imagine ten years ago if someone told you that all the mainstream media outlets would give a full and complete pass to a presidential candidate in October whose brat was there in black and white hustling influence and dollars from foreigners (let’s not even get into what’s there in full and atrocious color). We all knew the media was garbage back then, but if someone told us that the media outlets would conspire and consciously decide to jointly to refuse to report on it (except in the vaguest “GOP Pounces!” terms) we would think he was nuts. Why, they would be all over it.

Fast forward to 2020 and that’s exactly what has happened (aided by giant corporations who own the social media platforms) and we’re like “Oh, yeah, figures.” And that Twitter has shut down a newspaper’s account (The NY Post) because it is reporting things Twitter does not think you should hear, and that the entire mainstream media support this corporate censorship of the press, likewise gets a shrug if not applause.

This should shock the hell out of us. But no one is surprised.

Yeah, I’m sure the short-term advantage in this election gained at the cost of any remaining shreds of credibility will be totally worth it for the media in the long run. When that mean old Trump is gone, things will totally go back to normal.

No. No they won’t.

Look, I hate the mainstream media and would detonate it like Eniwetok Atoll given the chance, but nothing I could ever do could even approach inflicting the damage upon it that the mainstream media has inflicted upon itself.

The clock is ticking. Support great conservative candidates who can win back purple seats.

Media manipulation and you.

Day after day, and hour after hour we were bombarded by oftentimes conflicting information from the “experts”. It must be true, we thought, after all this information is being given to us by experts versed in the “settled science”.

The media is a very powerful and useful tool and we lean on it every day and making our opinions and decisions.

I belong to a generation that once to believed, “if it was not in the newspaper or on TV it did not happen.” Today there is a dizzying number of choices in media, but in essence, it comes down to the fact that if it’s nicely packaged and repeated enough times, most of the folks are gonna believe it.

Because of the speed of our modern life, we want our information very fast and accurate, with the accent on fast. We want “flashy” and useful, but the accent is once again on flashy.

There are many choices, sources, and opinions on how we get information and from what media – but still, not many things have changed. We humans are still very easy to manipulate with and through the media.

The ways that people get manipulated through the media/information probably hasn’t changed for ages, it simply got more “sophisticated”, and we, the people, got more “plugged in” or simply more dependent on it.

As I look back, with my eyes open, it is very easy to see how we have been fooled by most of the media and pushed into actions that were not smart. But at that time, the manipulation was invisible to us. The media has and continues to manipulate people, bombarding us with fear and hate.

Take the case of the “virus”. We were bombarded constantly with loads of information about changes that were coming at us.

It was not only about the political system and the medical system. We were also consistently reassured about the importance of our opinions. After a period of time folks simply started to believe that our opinions could make change, or that our opinions were important.

Day after day, and hour after hour we were bombarded by oftentimes conflicting information from the “experts”. It must be true, we thought, after all this information is being given to us by experts versed in the “settled science”. 1st we were told that the virus was not that serious, then, and almost the next breath, we were told that millions would die.

This contradictory information was presented in such a way so intimidatingly logical that it was difficult, if not impossible, to question it. If the media is good at one thing, it is instilling fear. As time went on, we learn to fear others, we learned to fear physical contact, and, perhaps most importantly, we learn to fear those who thought and behaved differently than the “experts” demanded that we thought and acted.

The media, in cooperation and with the direction of the oligarchy instilled great amounts of fear in the populace by careful, subtle, and sometimes not so subtle hints. In many cases people didn’t realize that they were in the middle of a process of intimidation until, one day, they woke up and felt afraid. Afraid for their jobs. Afraid for their health. Afraid for the health and welfare of their senior parents. Afraid for the future of their children.

Fear is a very powerful motivator, and under the influence of fear, you can be compelled to do a lot of things that you might not otherwise do.

Normally kind and rational people suddenly became “mask Nazis” where they started to manifest hate toward groups of people or opinions that they had been manipulated into believing was opposed to the common good. As time went on and the hatred and fear progressed it became even easier to become manipulated by the media.

I’m not saying that you should trust no one and sit at home with a tinfoil at on your head but be careful what and who you trust when it comes to the media and the information you’re given.

Remember that the big media players and their governmental cohorts have their own agenda, and that’s the reason why they are big and powerful. They know their job very well.

Part of the solution is the today; we have almost infinite choices when it comes to information. The Internet offers every person the opportunity to look at opinions and offer their own. You need to do your own research, use the intelligence that God gave you, and find sources that speak the real, cold truth.

The bottom line is TRUTH! But be warned. Be certain that what you believe to be truth IS true. It becomes dangerous when you start to act based on completely wrong information or to base your plan of action on it.

It’s not news it’s propaganda!

When you stop and look back at the beginning of the plandemic, it’s very easy to see how we were fooled by the media and pushed into actions that were not smart, and not in our best interest, but at the time the manipulation was invisible to us.

The media does not deal in information, it deals in propaganda and behavior modification.

Since late 2019, we have been manipulated by segments of the shadow government facilitated by their allies in the media. We have been bombarded with fear and hate.

I belong to a generation that once to believed, “if it wasn’t in the newspaper or on TV it did not happen.” Today, with the Internet, there are many more choices, but in essence, it comes down to the fact that if it’s nicely packaged and reported enough for a number of times, most folks are going to believe it. Unfortunately, we are very easy to manipulate through the media.

The way people get manipulated through the media/information hasn’t changed since the beginning of the USA, it just got more sophisticated, and we have gotten more plugged in and dependent on it.

When you stop and look back at the beginning of the plandemic, it’s very easy to see how we were fooled by the media and pushed into actions that were not smart, and not in our best interest, but at the time the manipulation was invisible to us.

We were fed misinformation from the beginning about the origin of the virus, the rate of infection, the mode of transmission, the rate of mortality, the prophylactic steps necessary to address the virus, and the length of time that our lives would be disrupted.

We were constantly bombarded with an overload of information and misinformation about changes that we must accept “for the greater good”. The shadow government spokesman and the media never talked about the overreach of the political system. It was always about the importance of our opinions and after a short time of this, folks started to believe that our opinions and the mandated changes in our normal life would lead to the defeat of this “invisible enemy” in short order.

Once a reasonable percentage accepted and echoed these talking points, once enough of us truly believed that these actions were for the “greater good”, the next phase of selling the plandemic was begun.

We were bombarded by the media that there were great differences between us, and that the differences were actually so big that they might be a problem for our future life in America. Hour after hour, day after day, we were inundated with the numbers of new cases, the outlandish numbers of hospitalizations, and the projections of millions of deaths.

In reality, you can point out huge differences between any groups of people, or political opinions anywhere in the world, and yet, that does not mean it needs to end up in blood letting. But with the continuing coverage of “black lives matter” and “AntiFa” we have been led to believe that spilling blood was the only solution for solving these differences.

The next stage-so intimidatingly logical-was fear. Fear of others, fear of differences, fear of those who had different ideas from us.

Media has instilled great amounts of fear in us, by careful and subtle hints. You did not even realize that you have been intimidated into a state of fear. Fear of contracting the virus, fear of infecting your loved ones, fear of dying, fear of “black lives matter”, fear of “AntiFa”. It seemed like a natural process until one day “fear” became the new normal.

Fear is a very powerful motivator, and under the influence of fear, you can be compelled to do a lot of things. Under the influence of fear, you will follow the directives of authority and relinquish your liberty.

Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, “the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” Today, it would be accurate to say, “we need to fear loss of liberty caused by governmental overreach”.

Facebook’s Snopes Fact-checkers

Why does this Enquirer-worthy story matter? Well, would you buy a used “fact” from these people? “The eye altering alters all,” observed poet William Blake.

CLAIM: “Facebook ‘fact checker’ who will arbitrate on ‘fake news’ is accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes — and its staff includes an escort-porn star and ‘Vice Vixen dome.’”

Although the above is the form used to introduce topics at “fact-checking” website Snopes.com, don’t hold your breath waiting for this particular claim to appear there anytime soon. This isn’t because the quoted sentence, a Daily Mail headline, is true or untrue. It’s because it’s all too revealing about Snopes’ CEO — in a “the emperor has no clothes” kind of way.

The claim of embezzlement was made by Snopes founder Barbara Mikkelson against co-founder and ex-husband David Mikkelson; the pair are locked in a bitter legal dispute in which they accuse each other of financial impropriety.

This he-said/she-said story takes on importance because of what Facebook recently said: that Snopes will be one of the fact-checking outlets it will use to determine if news is “fake” and should, therefore, be discredited and sent to Internet Siberia. Other Facebook fact-checkers are media organs such as ABC, the Associated Press, and Politifact — left-leaning entities all.

Not surprisingly, the Snopes fact-checking couple can’t agree on the facts surrounding their own decoupling. As the Daily Mail reports:

Legal filings seen by DailyMail.com detail a lengthy financial and corporate dispute which stretches long after their divorce, and which one lawyer describes as ‘contentious’ in court documents.

In the filings, Barbara, 57, has accused her former husband, 56, of ‘raiding the corporate business Bardav bank account for his personal use and attorney fees’ without consulting her.

She also claimed he embezzled $98,000 from the company over the course of four years ‘which he expended upon himself and the prostitutes he hired’.

… In court records, Barbara alleged that her ex-husband removed thousands from their business accounts between April and June of 2016 to pay for trips for him and his ‘girlfriend’.

She claimed he spent nearly $10,000 on a 24-day ‘personal vacation’ in India this year and expensed his girlfriend’s plane ticket to Buenos Aires.

‘He’s been depleting the corporate account by spending monies from it on his personal expenses,’ said Barbara in a filing last June.

Of course, David disputes the above. He says the India trip was business-related — he was getting a sense of the culture because he’s considering establishing a fact-checking website on the subcontinent — and that he went to Buenos Aires for a fact-checking conference. The Mail doesn’t indicate that he disputed the allegations about company funds used for prostitutes.

What is not in dispute is that Snopes smacks of a den of iniquity. Having divorced Barbara last year, David married 47-year-old Elyssa Young, a longtime escort and porn actress whose working name is “Erin O’Bryn.” Note, David had previously hired Young to be an “administrative assistant” at Snopes.

Young has an “escort”-oriented Twitter page and website, which the Mail states appear to still be active, and has described herself as “a mature and experienced courtesan [what the less sophisticated call a ‘hooker’], idealist, activist & dreamer.”

The fees she dreams of, and presumably received, are $1,200 for four hours and $5,000 for a full 24. For that you can have “‘an elite and discreet companion’ who ‘understands that while pleasure and passion may be explored in the bedroom, it is hardly the only place,’” wrote Young.

It’s not known if David Mikkelson advertises for hires in a red-light district, but Young is perhaps not the strangest Snopes fact maven. As Breitbart informs, “Writing under the pseudonym Vice Vixen, Snopes fact-checker Kim LaCapria regularly wrote about sex and fetish gear on her own blog, which was described as a lifestyle blog ‘with a specific focus on naughtiness, sin, carnal pursuits, and general hedonism and bonne vivante-ery.’ LaCapria’s blog often featured reviews of sex toys…. On another blog, LaCapria once described what she did on her day off, writing that she ‘played scrabble, smoked pot, and posted to Snopes.’ She then added, ‘That’s what I did on my day ‘on,’ too.’”

In other words, she admitted she has done her Snopes work while stoned.

LaCapria also revealed that she has strong dominatrix instincts and, more bizarrely still, said she was “addicted to smutty HP [Harry Potter] fanfic,” according to the Mail.

Why does this Enquirer-worthy story matter? Well, would you buy a used “fact” from these people? “The eye altering alters all,” observed poet William Blake. People enthusiastically indulging vice and unapologetically proclaiming it are called vice-ridden, and it’s risky to assume that amidst a pattern of vice a person would exhibit the virtue of honesty. Moreover, this quality and another virtue, diligence, are prerequisites for competence. Just ask yourself if you would retain the services of an auto mechanic, a baby-sitter, or a brain surgeon you knew had a LaCapria-like altered eye. Would you want to elect a politician who did?

Losing sight of the virtue/vice character yardstick creates an altered eye resulting in altered judgment. Just consider the Duke University rape frame-up case in 2006. Media and social activists formed a life-rending lynch mob against three white Duke lacrosse players who were falsely accused of rape by black stripper Crystal Mangum (now incarcerated for murder in an unrelated incident). As New York Times public editor Dan Okrent put it, alluding to the prejudices coloring judgment, “It was white over black, it was male over female, it was rich over poor, educated over uneducated.”

In fact, Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong was so corrupt in his prosecutorial efforts of the Duke trio that he was forced to resign and was disbarred. Yet common sense should have informed that strippers aren’t exactly reliable sources. Mind you, I’m not saying a rush to judgment should blithely dismiss such a person’s claims — only that a bigotry-born rush to misjudgment caused them to be blithely labeled gospel.

It’s time to wake up II

Is there any wonder that we find ourselves disjointed, fractured, divided and blind to the truth? We have been manipulated and propagandized by false choices and react the way we have been conditioned to do. After all, it is so much easier than thinking.

-More than selling of State Secrets.
-More than selling of US security.
-More than selling of MILITARY tech.
-More than selling of CIA assets.
-More than selling of NSA bulk data collection programs.
-More than selling of Uranium.
More than selling of US Space NATIONAL SECURITY programs & positions.
More than selling of US AID.
More than selling of System Applications and Products.

If this is so, why haven’t the public been made aware of it and created an outcry?

The Media Has Blinded and Divided the People to Render Them Powerless and Controllable.

Control over the media has kept people in the dark.
Control over the media has kept people obedient.
Control over the media has kept people focused on falsehoods.
Control over the media has kept people in a constant state of fear.
Control over the media has divided our Republic into segments:
-Political Affiliation
The media has been weaponized against the citizenry.
When a citizenry is divided they have no ‘collective’ power.
When a citizenry has no ‘collective’ power they can no longer control the levers that govern them. Who controls the media?
Who operate the levers of control?

Six media giants control 90% of what you see, hear and believe…

GE which owns and/or controls;
-Universal Pictures
-Focus Features

NEWSCORP which owns/co-owns or controls;
-Fox, (co-owned with Disney)
-The Wall Street Journal
-The New York Post

DISNEY which owns/co-owns or controls;
-FOX, (co-owned with NEWSCORP)

VICOM which owns or controls;

TIME-WARNER which owns or controls;

CBS which owns or controls;
-60 Minutes

232 Media executives control the information diet of 277 MILLION Americans.
Is there any wonder that we find ourselves disjointed, fractured, divided and blind to the truth? We have been manipulated and propagandized by false choices and react the way we have been conditioned to do. After all, it is so much easier than thinking.

Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?