White supremacy?

Ronald Reagan’s old saying applies here – “If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it.”

(received this from a friend, it makes too much sense).

The reported rise in anti-Asian American violence is alleged to be related to white supremacism – but it certainly appears, based on the available statistics, whites are not responsible for the increase.

The most recent examples have been black Americans acting against Asian Americans.

People aren’t stupid and even thugs are people.
Even if it is subconsciously, I would offer that the criminals are using the cover of “white supremacy” as a justification for their own racial animus.

I would argue that because the perpetrators know;
1) they won’t bear the full blame (because whitey made them do it) and
2) their offense will result in less punishment because they are not white, those two aspects incentivize them to act.

The existence of minority on minority crime is being painted over in favor of something that has both social and political power – namely calling the acts “white supremacy” and creating irrational and illogical reasoning to force the square peg in the round white supremacy hole.

Combine the “white supremacy” ruse with the fact that progressive District Attorneys in major cities have decided that crime isn’t really crime if your race has been historically oppressed and enforcing the law is a continuation of that oppression, and the problem boils down to simple economics.

Ronald Reagan’s old saying applies here – “If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it.”

The lack of prosecution is a subsidization of criminal behavior, prosecution is a tax on criminal behavior.

Shouldn’t be a surprise why violence across the board is on the rise.

The sheep are being lied to again!

They came up with these techniques in experiments with mannequins in a lab and HAVE NOT TESTED THEM ON ACTUAL HUMANS.

The sheep are being lied to again. So what else is new?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has finally recognized that the masks they’ve had everyone wearing for the better part of a year are largely ineffective because aerosols easily go around the top and sides.

Their latest recommendation is “placing a sleeve made of sheer nylon hosiery material around the neck and pulling it up over either a cloth or medical procedure mask,” or using knots and tucking to fit a mask closely to the face.

They came up with these techniques in experiments with mannequins in a lab and HAVE NOT TESTED THEM ON ACTUAL HUMANS.

They have no empirical data, and the study even warns:”The findings of these simulations should neither be generalized to the effectiveness of all medical procedure masks or cloths masks nor interpreted as being representative of the effectiveness of these masks when worn in real-world settings.”

And there’s also this warning: “Double masking might impede breathing or obstruct peripheral vision.”

As Phil Kerpen of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity pointed out in an interview with National Review: “The media loves the idea of double-masking and never mind that cases are down 58% nationally in the last month and many states have already vaccinated over 50% of seniors.”

Don’t be surprised to see President Biden exercising “leadership” by sporting the hosiery look.


It’s time to wake up II

Is there any wonder that we find ourselves disjointed, fractured, divided and blind to the truth? We have been manipulated and propagandized by false choices and react the way we have been conditioned to do. After all, it is so much easier than thinking.

-More than selling of State Secrets.
-More than selling of US security.
-More than selling of MILITARY tech.
-More than selling of CIA assets.
-More than selling of NSA bulk data collection programs.
-More than selling of Uranium.
More than selling of US Space NATIONAL SECURITY programs & positions.
More than selling of US AID.
More than selling of System Applications and Products.

If this is so, why haven’t the public been made aware of it and created an outcry?

The Media Has Blinded and Divided the People to Render Them Powerless and Controllable.

Control over the media has kept people in the dark.
Control over the media has kept people obedient.
Control over the media has kept people focused on falsehoods.
Control over the media has kept people in a constant state of fear.
Control over the media has divided our Republic into segments:
-Political Affiliation
The media has been weaponized against the citizenry.
When a citizenry is divided they have no ‘collective’ power.
When a citizenry has no ‘collective’ power they can no longer control the levers that govern them. Who controls the media?
Who operate the levers of control?

Six media giants control 90% of what you see, hear and believe…

GE which owns and/or controls;
-Universal Pictures
-Focus Features

NEWSCORP which owns/co-owns or controls;
-Fox, (co-owned with Disney)
-The Wall Street Journal
-The New York Post

DISNEY which owns/co-owns or controls;
-FOX, (co-owned with NEWSCORP)

VICOM which owns or controls;

TIME-WARNER which owns or controls;

CBS which owns or controls;
-60 Minutes

232 Media executives control the information diet of 277 MILLION Americans.
Is there any wonder that we find ourselves disjointed, fractured, divided and blind to the truth? We have been manipulated and propagandized by false choices and react the way we have been conditioned to do. After all, it is so much easier than thinking.

Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?