It’s not news it’s propaganda!

When you stop and look back at the beginning of the plandemic, it’s very easy to see how we were fooled by the media and pushed into actions that were not smart, and not in our best interest, but at the time the manipulation was invisible to us.

The media does not deal in information, it deals in propaganda and behavior modification.

Since late 2019, we have been manipulated by segments of the shadow government facilitated by their allies in the media. We have been bombarded with fear and hate.

I belong to a generation that once to believed, “if it wasn’t in the newspaper or on TV it did not happen.” Today, with the Internet, there are many more choices, but in essence, it comes down to the fact that if it’s nicely packaged and reported enough for a number of times, most folks are going to believe it. Unfortunately, we are very easy to manipulate through the media.

The way people get manipulated through the media/information hasn’t changed since the beginning of the USA, it just got more sophisticated, and we have gotten more plugged in and dependent on it.

When you stop and look back at the beginning of the plandemic, it’s very easy to see how we were fooled by the media and pushed into actions that were not smart, and not in our best interest, but at the time the manipulation was invisible to us.

We were fed misinformation from the beginning about the origin of the virus, the rate of infection, the mode of transmission, the rate of mortality, the prophylactic steps necessary to address the virus, and the length of time that our lives would be disrupted.

We were constantly bombarded with an overload of information and misinformation about changes that we must accept “for the greater good”. The shadow government spokesman and the media never talked about the overreach of the political system. It was always about the importance of our opinions and after a short time of this, folks started to believe that our opinions and the mandated changes in our normal life would lead to the defeat of this “invisible enemy” in short order.

Once a reasonable percentage accepted and echoed these talking points, once enough of us truly believed that these actions were for the “greater good”, the next phase of selling the plandemic was begun.

We were bombarded by the media that there were great differences between us, and that the differences were actually so big that they might be a problem for our future life in America. Hour after hour, day after day, we were inundated with the numbers of new cases, the outlandish numbers of hospitalizations, and the projections of millions of deaths.

In reality, you can point out huge differences between any groups of people, or political opinions anywhere in the world, and yet, that does not mean it needs to end up in blood letting. But with the continuing coverage of “black lives matter” and “AntiFa” we have been led to believe that spilling blood was the only solution for solving these differences.

The next stage-so intimidatingly logical-was fear. Fear of others, fear of differences, fear of those who had different ideas from us.

Media has instilled great amounts of fear in us, by careful and subtle hints. You did not even realize that you have been intimidated into a state of fear. Fear of contracting the virus, fear of infecting your loved ones, fear of dying, fear of “black lives matter”, fear of “AntiFa”. It seemed like a natural process until one day “fear” became the new normal.

Fear is a very powerful motivator, and under the influence of fear, you can be compelled to do a lot of things. Under the influence of fear, you will follow the directives of authority and relinquish your liberty.

Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, “the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” Today, it would be accurate to say, “we need to fear loss of liberty caused by governmental overreach”.