Media manipulation and you.

Day after day, and hour after hour we were bombarded by oftentimes conflicting information from the “experts”. It must be true, we thought, after all this information is being given to us by experts versed in the “settled science”.

The media is a very powerful and useful tool and we lean on it every day and making our opinions and decisions.

I belong to a generation that once to believed, “if it was not in the newspaper or on TV it did not happen.” Today there is a dizzying number of choices in media, but in essence, it comes down to the fact that if it’s nicely packaged and repeated enough times, most of the folks are gonna believe it.

Because of the speed of our modern life, we want our information very fast and accurate, with the accent on fast. We want “flashy” and useful, but the accent is once again on flashy.

There are many choices, sources, and opinions on how we get information and from what media – but still, not many things have changed. We humans are still very easy to manipulate with and through the media.

The ways that people get manipulated through the media/information probably hasn’t changed for ages, it simply got more “sophisticated”, and we, the people, got more “plugged in” or simply more dependent on it.

As I look back, with my eyes open, it is very easy to see how we have been fooled by most of the media and pushed into actions that were not smart. But at that time, the manipulation was invisible to us. The media has and continues to manipulate people, bombarding us with fear and hate.

Take the case of the “virus”. We were bombarded constantly with loads of information about changes that were coming at us.

It was not only about the political system and the medical system. We were also consistently reassured about the importance of our opinions. After a period of time folks simply started to believe that our opinions could make change, or that our opinions were important.

Day after day, and hour after hour we were bombarded by oftentimes conflicting information from the “experts”. It must be true, we thought, after all this information is being given to us by experts versed in the “settled science”. 1st we were told that the virus was not that serious, then, and almost the next breath, we were told that millions would die.

This contradictory information was presented in such a way so intimidatingly logical that it was difficult, if not impossible, to question it. If the media is good at one thing, it is instilling fear. As time went on, we learn to fear others, we learned to fear physical contact, and, perhaps most importantly, we learn to fear those who thought and behaved differently than the “experts” demanded that we thought and acted.

The media, in cooperation and with the direction of the oligarchy instilled great amounts of fear in the populace by careful, subtle, and sometimes not so subtle hints. In many cases people didn’t realize that they were in the middle of a process of intimidation until, one day, they woke up and felt afraid. Afraid for their jobs. Afraid for their health. Afraid for the health and welfare of their senior parents. Afraid for the future of their children.

Fear is a very powerful motivator, and under the influence of fear, you can be compelled to do a lot of things that you might not otherwise do.

Normally kind and rational people suddenly became “mask Nazis” where they started to manifest hate toward groups of people or opinions that they had been manipulated into believing was opposed to the common good. As time went on and the hatred and fear progressed it became even easier to become manipulated by the media.

I’m not saying that you should trust no one and sit at home with a tinfoil at on your head but be careful what and who you trust when it comes to the media and the information you’re given.

Remember that the big media players and their governmental cohorts have their own agenda, and that’s the reason why they are big and powerful. They know their job very well.

Part of the solution is the today; we have almost infinite choices when it comes to information. The Internet offers every person the opportunity to look at opinions and offer their own. You need to do your own research, use the intelligence that God gave you, and find sources that speak the real, cold truth.

The bottom line is TRUTH! But be warned. Be certain that what you believe to be truth IS true. It becomes dangerous when you start to act based on completely wrong information or to base your plan of action on it.