Things to be aware of

This is a great explanation of situational awareness.

Remember the signs and symptoms that lead us to where we are now? Disaster starts with a sequence of subtle changes before the event itself. Learning to read these sequences can prepare you to avoid suffering and improve your condition.

Running time 4 minutes 33 seconds

This is a great explanation of situational awareness.

Famine and pestilence

We have been told that even though farmers are plowing under their crops and ranchers and producers are destroying their animals… even though processing plants are shutting down that there will not be a food shortage.

We have been told that this is all about a virus. We have been told that we must stay at home and self-quarantine to be safe.

We have been told that even though farmers are plowing under their crops and ranchers and producers are destroying their animals… even though processing plants are shutting down that there will not be a food shortage.



Truth? You can’t handle the truth!

Even if Covid-19 vanished from the Earth tomorrow, or the entire economy opened tomorrow, the collapsing of the fraud bubble cannot be reversed, any more than the addict can be “cured” with some makeup to mask the devastation and clean clothing to hide all the tracks.

Just for a change of pace, can we be bluntly honest about the U.S. economy? It’s difficult to do because we’ve chosen to ignore all the realities, much like a family that hides all the addictions, drunkenness and lies in a dysfunctional household to maintain the outward illusion of a happy functioning family.

It’s extraordinarily costly to maintain such a demanding masquerade. The psychological toll is immense, and the financial ruin that’s always threatening to collapse the flimsy facade feeds the most destructive coping strategies.
Please don’t claim that Daddy and Mommy aren’t really addicts, addicted to lies, cheating and stealing to fund their corruption and maintain the absurdly threadbare happy-story mask of normalcy.

Being honest is painful but freeing. Once all the ugliness is exposed to sunlight, then healing becomes possible. As long as reality is cloaked, hidden, explained away, etc., the destruction only deepens until complete collapse of the masquerade is the only possible outcome.

We’ve reached that point: we can no longer deny the U.S. economy is little more than a grab-bag of skims, scams, fraud and corruption. Even if Covid-19 vanished from the Earth tomorrow, or the entire economy opened tomorrow, the collapsing of the fraud bubble cannot be reversed, any more than the addict can be “cured” with some makeup to mask the devastation and clean clothing to hide all the tracks.

Let’s start with the most risible fraud: “value.” Every skim and scam claims to be “creating value” for shareholders, customers, the planet, etc. But it’s all fraud and lies. No value is being created; what’s really happening is entrenched insiders have established corrupt relationships that funnel income streams into their own pockets at the expense of everyone else, who must be kept in the dark about how the skim/scam actually works.

“Value” is now defined as private gains skimmed under the false claim of “value to customers.” Behind the bogus PR, product quality is ruthlessly slashed, quantity reductions are hidden by larger packaging, planned obsolescence is the Prime Directive of every corporation because all these frauds increase profits, which flow to an increasingly thin slice of America’s financial elites.

The entire stock market rally of the past 20 years is nothing but a gigantic fraud based on stock buybacks funded by debt. Stocks go up because the majority owners of the stock borrow money from a banking sector that gives nearly free money to financiers and corporations. The corporate insiders buy back shares with the borrowed money, and the company services the loan.

The company’s income is devoted to paying the debt taken on to boost the personal wealth of insiders. That’s fraud. Or if you prefer, embezzlement.
Take away the stock buyback scam and the U.S. stock market collapses. Take away a Federal Reserve devoted to lavishing nearly free money on financiers and corporations and the buyback scam collapses.

Consider WeWork, all the scooter start-ups, Netflix and Tesla. WeWork was a scam from the start, but there was so much money to be skimmed in selling the fraud to the public that everyone in Wall Street and the corporate media promoted the scam by refusing to look at the actual business.

The same dynamic fueled the absurd explosion of scooter start-ups, as if the business model could ever be profitable. No, the business could never be profitable, but unloading worthless shares in multiple rounds of venture capital was extremely profitable–for insiders.

As for Netflix and Tesla, the more money they lose, the more valuable they become. The key fraud here is “disruption.” If a company can be promoted as a “disruptor,” the sky’s the limit, Baby, because “disruptors”, well, disrupt, and presto-magico, somewhere down the road they become immensely profitable because, um, they disrupted something or other.

The greater the emotional pull of the scam, the easier it is to promote. Garsh, isn’t it wunnerful how a college degree guarantees a lifetime of high earnings and financial security. Except that isn’t guaranteed at all. What’s guaranteed is insiders are skimming fortunes in the higher education cartel and its fraudulent handmaiden, the student loan industry.

Then there’s sickcare, Corporate America’s rip-off skimming operation masquerading as “healthcare.” Caring has nothing to do with it; the driver is greed, maximizing profits by establishing corrupt relationships with politicos and regulators to insure staggering sums of federal monies are sluiced into sickcare’s insatiable maw.

National defense is another emotional cover for boondoggles and insider profiteering. We won World War II, doggonnit, so just ignore the $1,000 hammers and the $100 billion over-runs.

Every institution in America is little more than a cover for insider profiteering via skims, scams, rackets, fraud and embezzling schemes, all sanctified as “legal” via a thoroughly corrupted legal system and judiciary.

Debt-serfdom is packaged and sold as a “middle class lifestyle.” Political neutering, i.e. powerlessness, is sold as “party loyalty.” And so on, in an endless parade of skims and scams packaged and sold to cloak the ugly ascendancy of greed, fraud and lies.

We live in a constantly distorted house of mirrors devoted to maintaining useful illusions of “democracy,” “free markets” and other fairy tales we tell ourselves to reduce the pain of living a vast, all-encompassing fraud in which everyone who isn’t a grifting insider is the loser.

We don’t just have financial bubbles that are popping; we have bubbles in trust and credibility that are popping, too. All the lies, skims, scams, excuses, frauds, bezzles, artifices, profiteering, promotional schemes and rackets are unraveling, not because the virus shut down the economy but because the enormity of all the corruption, lies and fraud is now so great that the entire status quo is collapsing under its own weight.

Pulling the sleeve down to hide the tracks doesn’t mean the addict is cured. The illusion, the facade, the masquerading of normalcy, are no longer sustainable. The Monster Id can no longer be hidden, and simulacra no longer substitute for reality.

Trust, credibility, transparency and accountability have all been sacrificed for personal gain, at the expense of the stability of the entire system.

Once the system collapses, we all lose, even the insiders who have traded every shred of their soul for financial gains, at the expense of everything that was once held dear.

Pray fervently
Prepare constantly
Take care of your tribe
Exterminate evil whenever you can

Someone, somewhere will, like our grandfathers at Nuremberg, see an end to all this. When they do, mete out justice to all those who’ve done this evil. Then begin rebuilding…


It is planned, it will happen, it will be the worst war ever, and that’s saying a lot more than most imagine. The only question is when it pops off.

“We are “at war” with an unseen enemy.” –Donald J Trump

Today the calendars of nations are punctuated by holidays to celebrate wars won and to perform memorial services for those who died waging them. Public support is best fired up by appeal to the emotions of deadly combat, over which the amygdala—a center for primary emotion in the brain—is grandmaster. We find ourselves in the “battle” to stem an oil spill, the “fight” to tame inflation, the “war” against cancer. Wherever there is an enemy, animate or inanimate, there must be a victory. You must prevail at the front, no matter how high the cost at home.

Any excuse for a real war will do, so long as it is seen as necessary to protect the tribe. The remembrance of past horrors has no effect.

Yes. . . Sadly War IS Inevitable. So long as it is within human nature to resort to violence from time to time, Then war is indeed inevitable. It really just boils down to how long it will be until the next conflict brews up, Whether it is a regional conflict or another world war.
Things that lead to war; financial crisis, food crisis, epidemic crisis… guess what kiddies, we are there.

In which direction?

-War with China? They’re not going to take being a pariah nation lightly. They’ve lost more face than a clumsy plastic surgeon.
-Civil war? That’s been brewing for years.
-War with Iran? Well, we helped them with ventilators on one hand and got set up to shoot boats on the other.

It is planned, it will happen, it will be the worst war ever, and that’s saying a lot more than most imagine. The only question is when it pops off.

The problem IS as it has ALWAYS BEEN – those who sit in the seats of power on this earth – those who pull the strings for THEIR personal benefit at the expanse of humanity as a whole . . . be that financial – ego – power – control. the “WHY” of it really does not matter.
“We see, therefore, that War is not merely a political act, but also a real political instrument, a continuation of political commerce, a carrying out of the same by other means.” –Carl von Clausewicz


One of the many side effects of the COVID-19 virus pandemic has little, if anything to do with medical issues or sickness. Crops rotting in fields. Dairy farmers incentivized to quit for good. Beef/pork processors shutting down.

We have often said that not all conspiracies are theories. Some forward-looking warnings are very real and worth consideration.

It is in your interest to check this out, digest the information and then make up your own mind.

One of the many side effects of the COVID-19 virus pandemic has little, if anything to do with medical issues or sickness. Crops rotting in fields. Dairy farmers incentivized to quit for good. Beef/pork processors shutting down.

The position here is that this is not by accident, but all by design.

Spread the word and make sure everyone starts growing food, no matter how small scale — every bit helps.

So you’re late to the party

* My first tip* if your local Costco/Sam’s club is a zoo, try Dollar Tree. Ours have special Covid displays with things like hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray, lysol concentrate, and shelf stable food.

This is a repost from one of my friends.

So you’re late to the party!

Good thing you’re here!

I’m hoping that our expert longtime preppers will put some basic ideas here for Covid19 preps for the ultimate beginner, keeping in mind that most people don’t have lots of experience or money to burn.

* My first tip* if your local Costco/Sam’s club is a zoo, try Dollar Tree. Ours have special Covid displays with things like hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray, lysol concentrate, and shelf stable food.

I’ve been pleased to find that a lot of their food products (generic spam, canned clams, shelf-stable milk that tastes good) are actually made in the USA!

If you want, you can order by the case online and pick up at your local store for free or ship to home for a cost.

***TOP 10 TIPS***

1. STOP and BREATHE. Prep don’t panic. Panic makes people do stupid, dangerous things.
Stop. Breathe. Think. Plan. Prepare.

2. Practice good hygiene.

Out and about? Cover your cough. Don’t touch your face.

Can’t find hand sanitizer? That’s okay! Be sure to have soap on hand. You can even try a recipe from a reliable source. (D)

Wash your hands WELL with soap and water. (A) This works better than hand sanitizer! No running water? No problem! (B)

3. No mask? Practice social distancing. CDC recommends staying 1-3 feet away from others. Wave instead of handshakes.

4. Remember kids, pets, and any seniors who rely upon you when planning. Medicines, special foods, litter, diapers etc.

Chances are you’ll get a little warning before losing municipal water supply if it does happen.

Before losing water:
-Wash out and fill old bottles (soda pop, juice, etc.) with tap water.
-Look into buying a filter if you have a pool or hot tub, and be sure it’s topped off.
-Look into buying a Water Bob. It’s basically a water bladder with hand pump for tubs.
-Most homes have 50 gallons of fresh water in the hot water tank.

If you’re going to be losing water service soon:
-Fill EVERYTHING with water: sinks, tubs, coolers, pitchers, pots, pans, buckets.
Remember that bleach and boiling can be used to kill germs in water (C)


If possible, buy extra of what you and your family normally eat and rotate stock like at the store.

7. Don’t forget basic household safety like batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. First responders and medical personnel may be stretched thin.

8. If you choose to use a mask, understand it’s limitations. Don’t allow it to give you a false sense of security. Be sure you’re wearing and fitting it correctly. If you choose to use gloves, practice taking them off without touching the contaminated outside.

9. Personal hygiene

No TP?
*Try looking into a bidet or even a “peri bottle” like they give to new moms.
*If you choose to use other paper products: Kleenex, paper towels, IRS tax code book, etc. be sure to put a plastic bag or lidded trash can nearby so you don’t ruin your plumbing.
*Another option may be family cloth. (E)

No baby wipes?
DIY with paper towels and baby bath. (F)






(F)Complicated version in video link. Just take the basic idea and use watered down baby bath instead.

***Helpful Printable Online Books***

1) Hesperian Health Guides “Where There Is No Doctor”, “Where There Is No Dentist”, “Sanitation and Cleanliness” and many many more. Starting at 95 cents for a PDF.

2)Food Storage for Emergencies from University of Utah Extension Office. How to safely store foods at home, nutrition of shelf stable foods, etc. FREE!…e_Booklet2.pdf

We’ve run out of God pills

(Donald Trump) understands that the real fight is between your quislings in the DNC and across the European Union trying to export China’s dystopian world and retaining some semblance of the nation-state. And this full court press for global government in the name of stopping a disease is ludicrous.

It is obvious that by either design or acting opportunistically this pandemic has become the “progressive’s” casus belli on us, to usher in a new world based on total surveillance, total compliance and control.

You’ve used fear over a bug to induce mass hysteria at a level that is difficult to contain. After more than two generations of marginalizing the masculine and amplifying the feminine the Progressive deification of trained experts which you turned into ‘believe all women’ to push identity politics has reached its zenith.

This has now reverted back into ‘believe all smart people’ in the minds of your useful idiots who retweet exponential growth curves they don’t understand and take as gospel truth your antipathy to curing this virus.

Thanks to this mass induced insanity we have a society that is uncomfortable with the risk of living thanks to a Nanny State that is more Oedipal Mother than the usual Abusive Father.

But this is more than just risk aversion. It’s truly a pathological fear of risk and the consequences of poor decisions; high time-preference decisions that permeate every aspect of our Western society.

Because we’ve been conditioned by you to believe there’s always another bubble to be blown up. There’s always another credit-induced boom around the corner. Housing prices can’t go down. Our jobs will come back and there will always be enough food.

But that myth of the magic money tree can’t bargain with a random piece of foreign DNA. The threat to our biology can’t be fought with more fake money.

But we still cling to your mass delusion that we live in a post-scarcity age that’s endemic across the generations. Even the angry and bitter Gen-Xers aren’t quite ready for what the world looks like without access to nearly unlimited credit.

And it has created the false sense of security that we as a species have mastered risk.

But we haven’t. You’ve mastered the art of laying off that risk for another day, another week, another year and called it prosperity.

And because we all want to believe we’re smarter than average bear and don’t want to face tomorrow without our favorite things we go along with the comfortable lie.

In other words, we believe risk is someone else’s problem. And that we owe the debts to ourselves. And it’s okay to foist risk off on those hapless suckers lest we be inconvenienced by the barest minimum of privation.

Let’s call that, in the words of a friend of mine, Spiritual progressivism, (or, if you prefer, “Social Democracy”.

It’s so insane that our financial system is built on pricing debt instruments based on the dubious concept of R* equaling zero. What is R*? It’s the ‘default risk premium’ used to ‘price’ financial assets.

Only supremely arrogant people who believe they have conquered time, can believe there are such things as risk-free anything.

But it’s clear that into this riskless world you’ve steered us into thinking exists we’re being over-stimulated to believe in the potential risk from COVID-19 to push for changes to our society that benefit you far more then us.

But I thought we mastered risk. You told us so.

And that’s the dirty little secret isn’t it? The truth is that you’re the ones that can’t handle risk. You’ve never actually risked anything, preferring instead to create an endless series of one-way trades where no matter who loses, you win.

You love your power and pelf. You believe you are the wise, all-seeing parents, guiding their wayward children to a better world, your Utopia.

The riskless systems you’ve deluded us into building for your benefit over-invested in the wrong kinds of insurance; social safety nets that are now overwhelmed to the breaking point and are soon to be revealed as just another failed bribe.

While the kinds we need, medical infrastructure, don’t have a dime’s worth of spare capacity when risk actually rears its ugly head, because you extracted that out in all your laying off the risk.

From the beginning, the threat from COVID-19 wasn’t about the virus itself but about its added strain to already over-strained medical systems. These are the mismanaged and malinvested systems of either full-on state control like in your paragon of Europe or Byzantine regulatory strata designed to eliminate competition and drive up pricing known here as Obamacare.

And now you’re going to use your own failures to scare us into accepting the worst kinds of intrusions into our lives. You’re going to lock out dissidents who refuse to get a medical passport and Bill Gates’ ID2020 chip.

It’s like all of a sudden Gates has emerged as the high priest of Spiritual Progressivism. We need this as the first stage of preparation for the next virus coming our way.

Because, you know, risk.

We’ve gone from a fairly normal world to an episode of Black Mirror in a month. And in your unbelievable hubris you think we’re all going to just go along with it because of a freaking cold and a four-year old TED Talk?

Do you really think we’ve become such ball-less eunuchs to think that this worship of blue-check marked, official smart people is the key to humanity’s future in dealing with the risks of being alive?

Because we can see you crapping your pants on TV, by the way. That is, when we decide to tune in for a few minutes to see if you’re still there.

But looking at the numbers it’s clear we’re not watching your doom porn anymore and we’ve got a whole lot more time on our hands to wonder why in the hell we spend 70 hours a week on a hamster wheel to pay the most onerous taxes in human history for a few leftover slips of green paper you treat worse than people treated toilet paper before the Coronapocalypse.

Faith in government is failing at every level. The continued false thesis that China’s death toll is only around 4000 people because they locked everyone down is meant to be the antithesis to the U.S.’s less top-down approach where now the death toll in New York alone is more than three times those that died on 9/11.

And the synthesis in your inaccurate Straussian model of our behavior is us accepting free movement as long as we can show our proper papers?

Um, how about no?

We can see you prepping the ground for this. This is the deplatforming of Alex Jones taken to its logical conclusion. If we aren’t willing to submit to complete monitoring and tracking of all of our movements then we cannot be a member of your society.

I can see why Donald Trump is fighting this they way he is. He’s started a new Cold War with China because he realizes it’s a major front in his, to date, mostly defensive war against you.

I think he understands that the real fight is between your quislings in the DNC and across the European Union trying to export China’s dystopian world and retaining some semblance of the nation-state. And this full court press for global government in the name of stopping a disease is ludicrous.

Because when you step back from those growth curves and put down the crack pipe full of noradrenaline if we hadn’t named it, if you hadn’t instructed the media to create mass hysteria most people in the world would just see it as another really bad flu season.

Because that’s the reality of the numbers at this point.

And had your financial markets not crapped the bed, you would be lying to us still about the severity of this virus.

So issue your diktats all you want. Push for your post-COVID Utopia of driverless cars, bug burgers, biometric conduct codes and rights-denying vaccination profiles.

Go for it. Honestly, we aren’t listening anymore. You lost your cache with us because your first instinct in any crisis is to lie to us. And now we don’t believe you about frankly anything.

Because after decades of lying to us about everything we’re asking the simple question, “Why would you be telling us the truth now?”