So you’re late to the party

* My first tip* if your local Costco/Sam’s club is a zoo, try Dollar Tree. Ours have special Covid displays with things like hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray, lysol concentrate, and shelf stable food.

This is a repost from one of my friends.

So you’re late to the party!

Good thing you’re here!

I’m hoping that our expert longtime preppers will put some basic ideas here for Covid19 preps for the ultimate beginner, keeping in mind that most people don’t have lots of experience or money to burn.

* My first tip* if your local Costco/Sam’s club is a zoo, try Dollar Tree. Ours have special Covid displays with things like hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray, lysol concentrate, and shelf stable food.

I’ve been pleased to find that a lot of their food products (generic spam, canned clams, shelf-stable milk that tastes good) are actually made in the USA!

If you want, you can order by the case online and pick up at your local store for free or ship to home for a cost.

***TOP 10 TIPS***

1. STOP and BREATHE. Prep don’t panic. Panic makes people do stupid, dangerous things.
Stop. Breathe. Think. Plan. Prepare.

2. Practice good hygiene.

Out and about? Cover your cough. Don’t touch your face.

Can’t find hand sanitizer? That’s okay! Be sure to have soap on hand. You can even try a recipe from a reliable source. (D)

Wash your hands WELL with soap and water. (A) This works better than hand sanitizer! No running water? No problem! (B)

3. No mask? Practice social distancing. CDC recommends staying 1-3 feet away from others. Wave instead of handshakes.

4. Remember kids, pets, and any seniors who rely upon you when planning. Medicines, special foods, litter, diapers etc.

Chances are you’ll get a little warning before losing municipal water supply if it does happen.

Before losing water:
-Wash out and fill old bottles (soda pop, juice, etc.) with tap water.
-Look into buying a filter if you have a pool or hot tub, and be sure it’s topped off.
-Look into buying a Water Bob. It’s basically a water bladder with hand pump for tubs.
-Most homes have 50 gallons of fresh water in the hot water tank.

If you’re going to be losing water service soon:
-Fill EVERYTHING with water: sinks, tubs, coolers, pitchers, pots, pans, buckets.
Remember that bleach and boiling can be used to kill germs in water (C)


If possible, buy extra of what you and your family normally eat and rotate stock like at the store.

7. Don’t forget basic household safety like batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. First responders and medical personnel may be stretched thin.

8. If you choose to use a mask, understand it’s limitations. Don’t allow it to give you a false sense of security. Be sure you’re wearing and fitting it correctly. If you choose to use gloves, practice taking them off without touching the contaminated outside.

9. Personal hygiene

No TP?
*Try looking into a bidet or even a “peri bottle” like they give to new moms.
*If you choose to use other paper products: Kleenex, paper towels, IRS tax code book, etc. be sure to put a plastic bag or lidded trash can nearby so you don’t ruin your plumbing.
*Another option may be family cloth. (E)

No baby wipes?
DIY with paper towels and baby bath. (F)






(F)Complicated version in video link. Just take the basic idea and use watered down baby bath instead.

***Helpful Printable Online Books***

1) Hesperian Health Guides “Where There Is No Doctor”, “Where There Is No Dentist”, “Sanitation and Cleanliness” and many many more. Starting at 95 cents for a PDF.

2)Food Storage for Emergencies from University of Utah Extension Office. How to safely store foods at home, nutrition of shelf stable foods, etc. FREE!…e_Booklet2.pdf