
It is planned, it will happen, it will be the worst war ever, and that’s saying a lot more than most imagine. The only question is when it pops off.

“We are “at war” with an unseen enemy.” –Donald J Trump

Today the calendars of nations are punctuated by holidays to celebrate wars won and to perform memorial services for those who died waging them. Public support is best fired up by appeal to the emotions of deadly combat, over which the amygdala—a center for primary emotion in the brain—is grandmaster. We find ourselves in the “battle” to stem an oil spill, the “fight” to tame inflation, the “war” against cancer. Wherever there is an enemy, animate or inanimate, there must be a victory. You must prevail at the front, no matter how high the cost at home.

Any excuse for a real war will do, so long as it is seen as necessary to protect the tribe. The remembrance of past horrors has no effect.

Yes. . . Sadly War IS Inevitable. So long as it is within human nature to resort to violence from time to time, Then war is indeed inevitable. It really just boils down to how long it will be until the next conflict brews up, Whether it is a regional conflict or another world war.
Things that lead to war; financial crisis, food crisis, epidemic crisis… guess what kiddies, we are there.

In which direction?

-War with China? They’re not going to take being a pariah nation lightly. They’ve lost more face than a clumsy plastic surgeon.
-Civil war? That’s been brewing for years.
-War with Iran? Well, we helped them with ventilators on one hand and got set up to shoot boats on the other.

It is planned, it will happen, it will be the worst war ever, and that’s saying a lot more than most imagine. The only question is when it pops off.

The problem IS as it has ALWAYS BEEN – those who sit in the seats of power on this earth – those who pull the strings for THEIR personal benefit at the expanse of humanity as a whole . . . be that financial – ego – power – control. the “WHY” of it really does not matter.
“We see, therefore, that War is not merely a political act, but also a real political instrument, a continuation of political commerce, a carrying out of the same by other means.” –Carl von Clausewicz