Political cockroaches

Yesterday, Wednesday, January 6, 2021 the members of the US House of Representatives and the members of the US Senate certified the election for president and vice-president ignoring the real and valid concerns of millions of American citizens regarding the honesty and validity of that election.

Each man and woman amongst them had taken a solemn oath to protect, preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States and, in disregarding that oath proved themselves unworthy to hold their offices.

They had proven, through their calumny the smallness of their souls and the paucity of their ethics and morals. How demonstrably unlike the Founders of our great republic who were intellectual and moral giants who pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.

The following video, just over nine minutes shows the stark contrast between true public servants of towering moral character and the wretched excuses for political “leaders” who collectively committed treason against our beloved land. #withdrawconsent

The copyright on this video belongs to the late Paul Harvey and is included here under the fair use doctrine.

One thought on “Political cockroaches”

  1. Listening to the garbage that call themselves “leaders” cry about the insurrection, the riot, the mob and yet did absolutely nothing about the real domestic terrorists, makes me want to puke. A pox on their houses, every last one of them.

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