Welcome to the brave new world.

We have effectively been under martial law since last March and over half the population has become collaborators in helping the local Gestapo enforce tyranny.

There is much talk about the actions taken on Wednesday regarding the certification of the electoral vote and how the Congress will make it right regarding the election cheating.

There is also much talk about how folks are going to refuse the gene-modifying “COVID” vaccination. hat the elites can’t force us to be vaccinated.

I have a news flash people, based on the reality of the situation.

They can do any damn thing they please.

Look back over the past year.

They infringed on our right to assemble, they infringed on our right to worship, they infringed on our right to travel, they told us where we could go, and when.

They closed our businesses, they destroyed our livelihoods, they prevented us from seeing grandparents and grandchildren.

They prohibited us from having celebrations of life such as baptisms, confirmations, weddings and funerals. They prevented us from visiting our loved ones in hospitals up to and including prohibiting us from saying last goodbyes to dying husbands, wives, children, parents and grandparents.

We have effectively been under martial law since last March and over half the population has become collaborators in helping the local Gestapo enforce tyranny.

To quote a young Jewish carpenter from long ago; “It is finished.”

2 thoughts on “Welcome to the brave new world.”

  1. Patrick. Give me some clues on what I should be doing. I do all I can with truths and prayer. I’m not sure what else I can do. 🇺🇸 😮

    1. Aside from keeping your powder dry and your head on a swivel, surrounding yourself with like-minded people and keeping your old-timey skills sharp, there is not much else you can do Den Mother. But, keep praying and keep truth telling, and keep being you.

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