We are in trouble

The leftists are giddy over the prospect of “wiping out the evil conservative sociopaths” and don’t even realize that during the cleanup phase, the elite oligarchs take out the trash who destroyed their own country.

It is not that there is not proof of rampant fraud, there is.

It is not that there is not proof America did not even tabulate its own election on American soil – There is.

It’s not that there is not proof the probable incoming president hates the United States and is guilty of treason – there is.

And no big truth bomb is going to fix that at this point, every damn person who could do something about this already knows all of this, and no one is doing anything to stop it. No one is doing anything to stop it because the infiltration of the United States by the Deep State is THAT DEEP.

People need to consider what has happened thus far.
We are clearly in a system so corrupt these people could be caught in broad daylight robbing banks or even wiping out a stadium with a flame thrower, be fully identified as the ones who did it, and the media would bury it, the prosecutors would not prosecute.

They would be released, and tomorrow would look the same as today except for the dead and maimed. And all of this is obviously going to land in a supreme court controlled by a swamp critter.

Every safety, check, and balance is ruptured.

So “The Kraken was released” and Michigan certifies a known fraudulent vote, that EVERYONE knew was fraudulent. And the media rejoiced. So Rudy was supposed to do a huge drop that was going to fix everything.

Don’t bet on it, BET AGAINST IT, no matter how damning it is, we are, after all, now living in a system that can openly call to destroy us without consequence, take action to destroy us by burning cities without consequence, – a system so bad the police place bricks for the rioters, without consequence, – and people still have hope that some big 5D chess plan is going to change anything? WAKE UP.

Everything about the Deep State operatives, including stuff I already did know, – every genocide they ever did, has been documented here and other places in incredible detail – including the fact that when it is all finished, they then kill the people who assisted in killing everyone else.

The leftists are giddy over the prospect of “wiping out the evil conservative sociopaths” and don’t even realize that during the cleanup phase, the elite oligarchs take out the trash who destroyed their own country. Deep Staters know only the worst of people will do that, have zero trust for them, and dispose of them like used toilet paper even after rewarding them greatly the moment before their job is complete.

The leftists are laughing. That will last until two minutes into the day their work is complete.

Only the American patriots could possibly change this outcome. The system of change is completely compromised.

If Trump is not inaugurated this January, it will be up to the American patriots to solve this and that those patriots are going to have to face the police who have been engaged in writing citations for non-compliance of mask mandates and stand up to the neighborhood Karens before a single high level thug can be taken out.

Do yo believe that there are enough patriots left?

2 thoughts on “We are in trouble”

  1. Another civil war. 😒 Well I have been prepping for a long time for all types of scenarios. So I shall carry on being me and live my usual life.
    Besides Mr. Author—God wants me alive for some reason.
    All we can do is pray. It is my solution. âž•

  2. Another civil war 😒 Well, I have been prepping for all kinds of scenarios for years, so I shall just carry on.

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