Rules for Radicals-Part 3

Should the “deep state” worst-case scenario come to pass in the days, weeks or months ahead, the darkest days of our republic will have likely begun. At that point you should assume that if the Internet goes dark or blocks all alternate media such as this blog it will begin the time for all the artificial intelligence models to kick in. It would likely usher in a purge similar to the Chinese great leap forward and ethnic cleansing on steroids.

Today will outline the final 4 “Rules for Radicals”.

10. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.” It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.

For 4 years now, the Democrats have been pushing the idea that President Trump is “corrupt”. That he was somehow under the control of Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin in spite of the fact that it was Hillary Clinton herself who sold over 50% of the US uranium to Russia during the uranium one scandal.

Since February 2020 greatest economic boom in over 50 years has been brought to a screeching halt in response to a virus that has a mortality rate of less than one quarter of a percent. Conflicting information and a raging fire of fear fanned by the false media has further divided our people.

The death of a convicted drug dealer has been used as a trigger to declare war on the police and to declare the United States society as a vehicle of institutional racism.

Week and feckless politicians at the municipal, county and state levels have brought malfeasance in office to a level never seen before in these United States. Police have been ordered to stand down, remove their protective gear under threat of suspension, and been ordered to retreat in the face of an anarchist mob. Governmental buildings have been vandalized, municipal property has been destroyed and public monuments desecrated in the name of “justice”.

11. “If you push and negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can when the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.

Certainly the events in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017 likely qualified as “violence from the other side winning public sympathy over to the radical Democrats after one “protester” against a so-called “white supremacist” rally was run over and killed by a vehicle.

Yet from 2017 through 2020 huge numbers of violent crimes were committed against President Trump’s supporters only because they wore a. MAGA hat or carried a pro Trump sign. Since the death of Mr. Floyd in Minneapolis numerous police officers have been seriously injured and the number killed all in the name of “social justice”. Riots, looting, arson and the unacceptable injuring and maiming of innocent persons have become the “new normal” in the assault on our American culture. It is time that the silent majority breaks its silence and demands accountability for the radical left.

12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.

While the radical Democrats and the phony media continue to attempt to blame the President for the failure to beat the virus, the shutdown of the economy, the destruction and chaos caused by the rioters and the nebulous “institutional racism” there is some indication that the general public is beginning to have a shift in their attitude as to who is to blame.

With Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the radical Democrats offering no constructive alternatives to these ongoing problems, Alinsky’s rule number 12 could soon blow up in the Democrat faces should the awakening public realize the blame is on them.

13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

Anybody who hasn’t seen the above “rule” playing out across all America over the past several years just hasn’t been paying attention. 1st they attempted to demonize President Trump (and have continued that demonization full bore every day for the past 4 years), they also went after any and all of President Trump’s supporters, characterizing us as “deplorable” or “racists” or “white supremacists” even if we might be Native Americans, black, Hispanic or lifelong Democrats.

Look what they’ve done to the independent media and anybody and everybody who didn’t toe the party line. Even many supposedly far-left independent media outlets are being “blacklisted” for having the courage to speak out.

While those in the phony media have accused Pres. Trump of destabilizing America, the very nature of Saul Alinsky’s 13 “Rules for Radicals” have been used for almost 50 years to “destabilize America”.

With Alinsky’s tactics perfected by both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton among others, the radical Democrats really did believe that they be successful at winning the 2016 election, keeping Obama’s globalist policies intact and keeping America on that long road toward ruin that they’d been pushing us down for decades.

And while Pres. Trump put a temporary stop to their agenda, we can see how perilously close we are to all of that being reversed should the “Deep State” be successful in taking down the president.

Should the “deep state” worst-case scenario come to pass in the days, weeks or months ahead, the darkest days of our republic will have likely begun. At that point you should assume that if the Internet goes dark or blocks all alternate media such as this blog it will begin the time for all the artificial intelligence models to kick in. It would likely usher in a purge similar to the Chinese great leap forward and ethnic cleansing on steroids. Should that happen it is not too paranoid to suggest you must ditch your cell phone immediately with the 1st sign of this happening because even turned off your cell phone can be used to pinpoint your location.

Just because you’re feeling paranoid does not mean that you don’t have reason to suspect that someone might be out to get you.