Rules for Radicals-Part 2

How many of the rank-and-file on the left actually believe that all of Pres. Trump’s supporters are not sees and/or racists, that we are all truly “deplorable” people and that all white people and men are “toxic” due to the lies of the radical left and phony mainstream media? In this case, the good news is, that the radical left has not learned the lesson that “the threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself” and that the true toxicity is there “Trump-derangement-syndrome” zone that so many of them are now living in.

Picking up where we left off yesterday, the next rule is probably the most effective weapon in the “Rules for Radicals” armory.

5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

Well before the 2016 general election we witness the mainstream media apparatus in the entire Democratic Party ridiculing president Trump, from the size of his hands the size of other parts of his anatomy, the radical left is dipped to the very lowest levels attempting to bring down a man who put his life on hold in an attempt to “right” America.

They also continue to ridicule the nearly half of Americans that continue to support the president despite the mainstream media propaganda machine using the vast percentage of their coverage of him and his agenda as negative, quite literally slandering the man and his supporters.

The difference is that Donald J Trump is not your average politician. He’s a tough, smart, New York St. fighter who is an experienced counterpuncher. He seems to delight in throwing ridicule back against the likes of” crooked” Hillary Clinton, quote ignorance” Nancy Pelosi, “lyin’” Chuck Schumer, the totally corrupt “Deep State”, and the “fake news” of the mainstream media.

6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing and will even suggest better ones.

One of the radical left’s favorite tactics that they continue to use and keep coming back to is making their own supporters believe that they are “victims” and thus deserves special treatment because of their; sex, sexual status, color, race or religion. Sadly, it is more often than not men, Christians, or Caucasians, who are the real victims.

Also capitalizing on their constituents’ love of “free stuff”, Democrats have been able to capitalize upon “state payouts” while turning their supporters into compliant “sheep” completely dependent upon “the state” to survive.

“Victimization” and “free stuff” are two the tactics that the radical left going back to as they are tactics that continually pay off for them, buying them new loyal voters who will continue to vote Democrat while they call anyone who doesn’t agree with them and “racist”, “Nazi”, “homophobic”, “sexist” or worse.

As long as the radical left and their lapdog mainstream media allies continue to get away with labeling all of their political opponents as “racists” or other pejoratives, and their base keep buying into the lies, they’ll keep going back to that tactic over and over and over again.

7. “A tactic the drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.

Sadly, most Democrats, and the deep state “establishment” don’t realize that they have become “old news”. The American people are beginning to wake up and soon the majority will have reached its limit to the amount of false news and phony propaganda that they are willing to accept.

The people are starting to realize that they have been lied to, gas lighted and manipulated to the point the trust is lost and belief in government of, by, and for the people is shattered.

With the fake mainstream media also attempting to drum up headline stories that will turn the masses against president Trump, even if their stories are fake news that get debunked a day or 2 later, the pressure from the media, the radical left, and the entire deep state against president Trump would have taken down any other politician already. President Trump is, surely, a most unusually strong man.

9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.

The more the radical Democrats in the phony mainstream media screamed the “racist” boogie man, the more their dumbed down audience believes that there really was racism on the part of President Trump.

There is an old propaganda truism that says, “repeat a lie loud enough and often enough and people will believe it.” … That is exactly how the radical left wants their voters.

The globalists who’ve “hijacked” America have been working for years to dumbed down the American people and control our thought processes by disinformation, globalist propaganda, and now “big tech” manipulation of search engine results, the visibility of alternative content and outright censorship.

How many of the rank-and-file on the left actually believe that all of Pres. Trump’s supporters are not sees and/or racists, that we are all truly “deplorable” people and that all white people and men are “toxic” due to the lies of the radical left and phony mainstream media? In this case, the good news is, that the radical left has not learned the lesson that “the threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself” and that the true toxicity is there “Trump-derangement-syndrome” zone that so many of them are now living in.

In tomorrow’s post I will analyze the rest of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” because knowledge is power.