Looking through the telescope

Our government officials have failed to lead.. Have failed to protect the citizenry and have failed to protect the Constitution and laws of this Nation.

Those who believe the November elections are going to change everything are living in a dream world. If this were the year 1982 or even 1994 … an election might make a difference but not this time. The election won’t stop the tyranny.

The Insurrectionists haven’t yet given a damn about laws, Law Enforcement officers or Elected Officials. They will continue to ignore the law up to and beyond the November elections.

The politicians have backed down and knelt down in hopes of appeasing the tyrannical mobs. Even the military has knelt down. The only thing left for them to do is to lay down their weapons and raise the white flag.

Congressional Representatives have spoken their support for these radical groups. The House Of Representatives Socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, publically spoke her support and provided a “tweet” as well. The old hag, Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer and others on the Democratic side have knelt in support of these groups for the entire world to see. Pelosi ordered the removal of statues from the U.S. Capitol Building, again in an attempt to appease the mob rule and for political gain, knowing full well the supportive impact it would have on the mobs. Obama provided public support when he stated “Make them feel uncomfortable.” Obviously he couldn’t say “Continue to riot, assault, steal, burn and kill.”

Our government officials have failed to lead.. Have failed to protect the citizenry and have failed to protect the Constitution and laws of this Nation. The mobs now know how far the ‘government’ will let them go… How far the mobs can push and bend the laws of this country without repercussion. Hell, New York City turns criminals loose as soon as they are arrested.

When Trump is re-elected in November … and he will be re-elected … the mobs and the Left will explode like nothing before experienced. Lawlessness will reign. And it will be a defining moment for this country.

Participants on this Forum and others who continue to post messages saying things will be better in November … or this will all blow over … or the 15 minutes of fame for these groups is just about over … “Let them eat their own.” and “This is going to burn out soon. Just leave them be.”… … those participants are ‘trolls’ from ‘the other side’. They are attempting to persuade others to not take action. The written words are soothing and slick. But doesn’t Satan do the same?

The status quo in this country is no longer in existence. And yet … it appears a large percentage of the citizenry is oblivious or hoping for the best while doing nothing.