Last days of the Republic?

Our institutions of higher learning have become breeding grounds for indoctrinating our youth of the Liberal philosophies. In turn, the youth carry these ideologies to the public as they ‘fight against the system’ with the goal of destroying anything they disagree with.

Americans will “Celebrate(?)” 244 years of “Independence” in two days, (to be historically correct, the Declaration of Independence was actually signed on July 2, 1776). We have had a good run and here are some thoughts on this anniversary;

Our Nation, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights … as well as the Courts / Law & Order … are being attacked from within and from others who hold their allegiance to another country.

For decades our Government has meddled with the inner workings of other nations, all in the name of ‘planting the seeds of Democracy’. That was a lie and it has now come home to destroy us. Those issues are multiplied by the dissent existing between our Two Party System. The most obvious example, of which there are many, is demonstrated in the Democratic controlled Committee hearings where Parliamentary Rules are purposely ignored for “Democratic witnesses” but stringently enforced for all others.

The ‘Rule of Law’ has broken down in Congress and is quickly spreading across our nation. And those in authority tremble with fear as they cower under their desks or in basements behind locked doors. Our leaders are either incapable of leading or refuse to lead – all to the demise of our Nation.

Our Courts are packed with Liberal judges who legislate from the Bench rather than interpret law. These court decisions have made ‘right wrong’ and ‘wrong right’.

Our institutions of higher learning have become breeding grounds for indoctrinating our youth of the Liberal philosophies. In turn, the youth carry these ideologies to the public as they ‘fight against the system’ with the goal of destroying anything they disagree with.

Elected officials in Congress have allowed themselves to become ‘gods’ rather than upholding their oath of office. Neither they nor a large segment of our citizens hold anything to be sacred or honorable. Love for our fellow man has become terminally eroded.

America is now likened to the last days of the Roman Empire.

Unless something substantial is done very soon, America will dissolve away into history.