What’s in the Evergreen shipping containers?

One distinct possibility.

What’s inside the Evergreen shipping containers?

3M-54 KalibrThe 3M-54 Kalibr, also referred to it as 3M54-1 Kalibr, 3M14 Biryuza, 91R1, 91RT2 is a group of Russian surface ship-, submarine-launched and airborne anti-ship and coastal anti ship, land attack cruise missiles and anti-submarine missiles developed by the Novator Design Bureau.

Derived export versions are the 3M54E, 3M54E1, 3M14E, 91RE1, 91RTE2. The 3M54T, 3M54K, 3M54A, 3M54E, 3M54KE and 3M54AE have a second stage that performs a supersonic sprint in the terminal approach to the target, reducing the time that target’s defense systems have to react.

The 3M54T1, 3M54K1, 3M54A1, 3M54E1 only travel at subsonic speeds, although their range is accordingly greater than those of the supersonic versions.

Club is the designation used for the export versions.WikipediaType:Cruise missile, Anti-ship missile, Anti-submarine missile, Submarine-launched cruise missile, Air-launched cruise missile, Land-attack missile, Surface-to-surface missile