Things I found while looking for something else

Legal references that clarify the status of the free people.​

” PERSONAL LIBERTY, or the Right to enjoyment of life and liberty, is one of the fundamental or natural Rights, which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions, which is not derived from, or dependent on, the U.S. Constitution, which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election. It is one of the most sacred and valuable Rights, as sacred as the Right to private property…and is regarded as inalienable.” ​- – – 16 Corpus Juris Secundum , Constitutional Law, Sect.202, p.987.​

We, the people of the united States of America, have fundamental or natural rights, which existed BEFORE government did, and said rights are not at the mercy of a democratic majority, nor elected official’s whim. Those rights are SACRED (as in Creator endowed), and include the right to life, liberty and absolute ownership of private property.

Of course, if you consented to be governed, shut up, sit down, pay and obey.

He who consents cannot object.

More 2nd Amendment

Then why have a Bill of Rights?

You wouldn’t be the first person to ask that. Men like Alexander Hamilton asked it. He and many others thought having a Bill of rights was dangerous.

They were afraid that the existence of a Bill of Rights as a part of our Constitution implied that the government not only had the right to change them, but that any rights not listed there were fair game for the government to deny. And, as a matter of fact, that’s exactly what has happened. The government seems to have set itself up to be an interpreter of our rights; it acts as if it is also the source of our rights, and whatever rights weren’t mentioned in the Bill of Rights, the government has seen fit to declare exist only at its discretion.

Again, I ask, have you ever read the Bill of Rights? Specifically, have you ever read the 9th and 10th Amendments?

It’s important to understand what they say and know why they are written the way they are because they tie in with how the Founding Fathers viewed our rights and how they expected us to view them.

They were put there to quell the fears of men like Hamilton who were afraid that any rights not mentioned in the Bill of Rights would be usurped by the government.

The 9th says: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” This means that any rights not mentioned in the Bill of Rights are not to be denied to the people.

The 10th says: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”So any powers not specifically given to the Federal government are not powers it can usurp.”

So it’s enough to show the Founding Fathers thought we had a right for it to fall under the protection of the 9th or 10th Amendment. This means that the Founders didn’t even have to specify we have the right to free speech, religion, jury trials, or anything else. To understand what they felt our rights were, all you had to do was show what they said our rights are. Any rights in the first eight Amendments are just redundant with what the Founding Fathers considered Natural Rights.

So why then do we have a Bill of Rights?

Because even though Hamilton and others feared having one, most of the Founding Fathers were sure that without one the government would eventually take all of our rights.

There are are there actually rights not mentioned in the Constitution that we’ve been denied… The Founding Fathers felt we had a right to unrestricted travel. So, now we have driver’s licenses, automobile registrations, and passports. They also felt we had property rights, so Civil Forfeiture or Civil Seizure laws, now exercised by the Feds and the states, are actually illegal under both the 9th and 10th Amendment.

And, if the Congress or even the Supreme Court decides the 2nd Amendment only refers to formal military organizations, we still have the right to keep and bear arms, because the Founding Fathers considered it a natural right. And if you don’t believe it, read what the Founding Fathers said in their papers, their letters, and their debates in both Congress and the state legislatures.

Weapons have always been important. In Greece, Rome, and even under Anglo- Saxon law, when slaves were freed, part of the ceremony included placing a weapon in the man’s hand. It was symbolic of the man’s new rank.

What The Founders Said

“To suppose arms in the hands of citizens, to be used at individual discretion, except in private self-defense, or by partial orders of towns, countries or districts of a state, is to demolish every constitution, and lay the laws prostrate, so that liberty can be enjoyed by no man; it is a dissolution of the government. The fundamental law of the militia is, that it be created, directed and commanded by the laws, and ever for the support of the laws.”
-John Adams, In Defense of the Constitution

“…No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”
-Thomas Jefferson, writing on the proposed Virginia Constitution 1776

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms…disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
-Jefferson quoting Cesare Beccaria—a Milanese criminologist whom he admired who was also his contemporary— in On Crimes and Punishment

Perhaps the reason that our current “educational” institutions don’t teach our youth their true history and rights is that you cannot defend rights of which you are ignorant.

More 2A

To keep and bear arms.

Can you find anything in the 2nd Amendment, or any other part of the Constitution, that says the individual can’t have arms?Just keep in mind my question is not whether you think the Constitution allows individuals to carry guns but whether or not there’s anything in it that says they can’t?

Do you also understand that the Bill of Rights is not the source of our rights. It’s not even a complete list of our rights. The Founding Fathers did not believe we got our rights from the Bill of Rights. Nor did they believe they came about as a result of being American, Christian, of European decent, or white. They believed everyone had these rights even if they lived in Europe, China, or the moon. They called them Natural Rights. Where these rights were not allowed, they believed they still existed but were denied.

It’s a question as to whether or not our rights exist apart from government.

Let me ask you this; in a country where children have no civil rights, do they still have a right not to be molested? Do women in countries where they have a second-citizen status have the right not to be abused by their husbands, even if the government won’t protect them?

Then is it too much of a stretch for you to understand that the Founding Fathers believed everyone has the right to free speech, freedom of religion, the right to fair trials…?

Take it a step further. If the government passed a law tomorrow that said we didn’t have the right to free speech, or the right to free worship, or freedom of the press, would those rights no longer exist, or would they be simply denied? If the Constitution is amended depriving us of our rights, do those rights cease to exist?

The answer, according to the guys who set up this country, is yes, we would still have those rights. We’re just being denied them. Because of that, it’s the way we have to look at the Constitution.It may be, that in reality, rights are a figment of our imagination. But the Founding Fathers believed they existed and that’s how this country was set up. Rights are something that come with being human. The Founders never believed we got them from the government.

If and when the United States goes away, the rights will still be there.

(…to be continued)

We don’t need no 2nd amendment!

REMINDER: “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”

A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that there is no right to carry a gun in public.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in a 7-4 ruling rejected a challenge to Hawaii’s requirement that residents must pass an application to have weapons outside the home.

That’s ludicrous, they state the only place you can have a gun is in your home. Forget the car, and you can forget hunting and everything else too.

Let’s see if SCOTUS upholds this. I would not be surprised if they did. Then what?

Your guns will be declared illegal, (that’s what) and they have already stated 100 million of them are. With nothing to support that claim AT ALL.

Whatever the commies say, is whatever it will be for as long as the people allow it.


REMINDER: “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”