The sky is falling (and other government shutdown myths)

The hysteria peddlers using this terminology, and the media that purposely play to it, must know these two words emit an extreme emotional response. The phrase essentially becomes a weapon to be used on political opponents.

000000000a-government shutdown

OH NO! A “government shutdown”!

The hysteria peddlers using this terminology, and the media that purposely play to it, must know these two words emit an extreme emotional response. The phrase essentially becomes a weapon to be used on political opponents.

This enables the media to have undue influence in spending and undermines the sole power of the House on this issue.

A budget always involves the House of Representatives, as it alone constitutionally must initiate all government spending. “All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives” (Article I, Sec. 7, Clause 1). This places the people in charge of taxation. The Senate cannot initiate a tax bill but can adjust any initiated by the House.

So what does a “government shutdown” look like?

Do the president and vice president resign now that the government ends? No, they stay on the job and receive full pay as before.

Does Congress fly out of Washington D. C. the following day and cease to draw their pay, and the Supreme Court cease to deliberate on constitutional questions? Does the army come home and cease to protect us?

No! No, NO!

Do states, counties, and cities no longer function? No again, they have their own tax base and policemen, prisons, and teachers remain in place.

Will we still get mail? Yes. The U.S. Postal Service functions as an independent business unit.

Will we still get Social Security benefits, food stamps, unemployment compensation and veterans’ benefits? Yes!

Why then the hysteria? Because these two words, “government shutdown,” and the possibility of missed food stamps send the largely uninformed into a frenzy—they finally awake from their stupor.

They largely know nothing of the wrangling of government to protect them from themselves and oppose any proposed government diet that might reduce their daily feed. They worshipfully listen to the party and political leaders that are least likely to disturb this base.

There will never be a government shut down because none of these things will ever happen, short of an overthrow of the government from within, the collapse of our financial structure , or a successful invasion from without. So stop the media frenzy and hysterical over-reaction.

The sky is NOT falling and a piece of it didn’t just hit you on the head Chuck Shumer, er, Nancy Pelosi, er, Chicken Little.

000000000a-chicken little

Of plain talk and holes


Deep State actors and the news media are in a race against reality.
When they are cornered, and they are out of options, Deep Staters have a nasty, but a really predictable habit of racializing everything.

They have been doing it to Donald Trump since the day he announced his candidacy.

Senators Durbin and Graham wanted to force their bipartisan DACA deal on the president, a program as divorced from reality as any episode of the Kardashians.

They thought that they could con Trump into agreeing to their solution that didn’t meet the president’s baseline and actually increased chain migration. The president, to their faces said it was dead on arrival.

Somebody went to the press, who has proven to be a reliable anti-Trump co-conspirator. They pedaled the story that Trump had referred to Haiti and unspecified African countries as s-holes and we should try to get Norwegian immigrants here instead.

SENATOR DICK DURBIN, D-ILL., MINORITY WHIP: “His comments said things which were hate filled, vile and racist. Calling the nations they come from (inaudible), exact word used by the president. Not just once but repeatedly.”

Now the president in a tweet denied that he used that language and Durbin clarified later that the president was referring to African countries whose citizens regularly use the visa lottery system, not Haiti itself. Two Senators who were in attendance at the meeting backed up the presidents’ version.

Now, setting aside the alleged remark for a moment, would you describe any of these countries as Club Med?

Let’s take a look at some of the real facts about a few of the countries that can’t keep their own people from leaving.

Now, let’s begin with El Salvador. Its capital has the highest murder rate in the world.

Somalia is one of the largest state sponsors of terrorism and is a safe haven for terrorists across the globe.

Sudan is one of the four countries on the U.S. state sponsors of terror list in addition to a lot of other bad facts.

Mexico is on the State Department’s “Do Not Travel” list because of safety concerns

They are rank with corruption, repression and,it’s obvious that they offer their citizens little hope of a better life.

In other words, they are hell holes. But, for the Democrats and their media allies who are forever feigning in affinity for the third world, facts don’t matter. After all, race baiting the president is so much more fun.

Trump is not the first profane president. Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon are just two in recent memory who were notorious for their salty language. It’s just that the elites and their media lap dogs are so far removed from the people they purport to “serve” that they just don’t get it.

Joe and Suzy Sixpack think it’s wonderful. They think Trump doesn’t go far enough.

They want him to really let loose. They don’t know why he’s pussy-footing around. They love it when he tells it like it is. Trump says what he, and they, believe.

People like their candidates or officeholders to stand up and say what they believe instead of worrying about offending some group. The last president we had who didn’t seem to govern by poll numbers and group think was Harry Truman who was known for “telling it it is”. He also threatened to punch a news person in the nose for insulting Truman’s daughter Margaret. It seems as though President Trump is, in some ways, channeling Harry Truman.

If so, I would like to rework a phrase from the Truman era; “Give ’em hell Donald!”




Oops, there it is

000000000a panic button

At 8:07 a.m. local time, all cell phones alerted, “Emergency alert: ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii, seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill.”

Well that will drain some pucker your anal sphincter! Residents panicked, children were thrown into storm drains, tourists emptied beaches and vowed to only ever go to Disney World.

This was obviously a huge failure of state government that added up to a big”oops!”

Maybe there really was a missile headed to Hawaii, maybe the real “screw-up” is it was one of ours and not one of theirs. Maybe this was a ridiculous and cruel test to see how people would react knowing their lives were about to be cut short by a stubby pork chop with a bad haircut. Whatever the case, you can always judge a calamity not by the act itself, but by the reaction.

Politicians, like politicians do, are trying to make political hay from it. But the question remains; “Exactly what DID happen?”

The National Intelligence Service says Pyongyang “has been implanting malicious codes by sending enticing text messages” from late February to early March 2017, adding that a fifth of those targeted were successfully hacked. The hackers stole text messages and voice communications, and they secured the numbers of senior government officials, it said.

The NIS has not disclosed which officials have been affected. The spy agency also said North Korea hacked a company that provides security software that is used by more than 20 million people for online banking and card payment. The NIS says no one was affected by that attack; only servers were damaged. If the can hack cell phones and bank security software, why no an attack warning system?

The isolated U.S. military silo that contains one of deadliest nuclear arsenals in the world – some 450 warheads that are each 20 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima – is being controlled by computers dating back to 1960s and a launch system that relies on floppy disks.

But security officials maintain their methods are not only functional but hack-free, with the underground control room in Wyoming not connected to the internet, stopping any cyber terrorists gaining control over the weapons.

That brings up a couple of questions;

1) If it’s not connected to the internet is it connected to some other network. If not, how do they communicate between the computers and the higher command? Carrier pigeon maybe?

2) If you are old enough to remember the 1960’s computers that ran off 3.5″ floppy disks, you also remember how easily those disks could get corrupted and send the computer into a tizzy. Was this a good old-fashioned MS-DOS “blue screen” episode?

Maybe it was a hack from an unfriendly country. Maybe it was a glitch from old computer equipment. Or, maybe… just maybe the answer is exactly what is being reported… human error.

Because, when it comes right down to it, artificial intelligence will always be overcome by natural stupidity.

000000000natural stupidity




Bert the Turtle

On Saturday, January 13, 2018 the residents of Hawaii, (and, for that matter, the rest of the world), saw just how woefully unprepared our American society is.

Those Americans who lived through the 1950’s Cold War Era are familiar with the concept of civilian-based civil defense programs. Unfortunately, the societal fabric of the country drastically changed with the fall of the old Soviet Union and Civil Defense in the US went from focus on individual preparation and survival to relying on the government, (in the form of FEMA), to come in after any disaster and pick up what’s left of the pieces.

On Saturday, January 13, 2018 the residents of Hawaii, (and, for that matter, the rest of the world), saw just how woefully unprepared our American society is. Reports of elected officials cowering in their bathtubs with their children, panicking mobs running chaotically at the university, folks standing outside staring at the sky trying to see incoming missiles… all of them without a clue… all of them looking for someone to blame.

“Much to-do has been made about the shock and indignation of many Americans when they learn that their nation has no defense against ballistic and cruise missiles. However, a more glaring, and infinitely less technically complex, deficiency is that all but a few Americans lack even the most basic personal protective equipment and live, work, and study in environments that afford little shelter against chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) incidents”

“Since the end of the Cold War, America’s programs (except those designed to protect key government leaders) to provide shelter, food, and water in the case of a nuclear exchange have essentially disappeared. Although an Office of Civil Defense existed within FEMA to coordinate these programs, the office was quietly closed during the mid-1990s. Questions regarding public and private shelters as well as personal protective equipment (gas masks, chemical suits, etc.) must now be referred to state emergency preparedness offices.”

For years, a political movement determined to disarm America had persuaded the public there was no use in trying to save lives during a nuclear war. We were all going to die. We might as well be vaporized. There was no point in trying to prepare, no point in defending ourselves, no point in living if we were attacked.

This movement ultimately won out and became official national policy during the Clinton years.

But the movement is based totally on lies. People do survive nuclear blasts. Most people survived the initial blasts on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many emerged from the rubble unscathed — only to die a miserable and unnecessary death from fallout. There were dire predictions the two islands would never be inhabited again — or at least for 75 years. Nagasaki and Hiroshima today are bustling metropolises — much bigger, more prosperous and more healthy places to live than they were before the blasts.

There is no question that properly constructed and stocked shelters can and do save lives during nuclear attacks. The proof? Russia has built them. China has built them. The Swiss have built them. All of them, by the way, built based on technology developed by the US government and paid for by US taxpayers — who remain defenseless.

There’s more proof, not all Americans are left defenseless. Your federal government has used your tax dollars to build shelters for itself and its key people — tens of thousands of them. They will survive the inevitable attack on the US. You, the taxpaying public, will not.

That’s the plan. National suicide.

Learning as much as possible about the threats facing us and reasonable measures we as individuals can take to protect ourselves and our loved ones to make up for the shortfall of government assistance is a vital, effort we should make.

It is time that we relearn the lessons taught by Bert the Turtle. It is time we once again, took personal responsibility for the safety of ourselves and our families instead of counting on the government nannies.

People are getting TOO upset and demanding stupid things like “de-nuclearization” (this from Tulsi Gabbard, a supposedly intelligent member of Congress).  Sorry, Tulsi, the nuclear genie is out of the bottle.  We know how to make them.  If you could magically make them all disappear today, someone would have more built within 6 months.  Not gonna happen, even in your dream world.
Get used to it, get prepared.  I think that’s what shocked people the most, realizing just how unprepared they are.  It’s a hash reality, and being slapped in the face with the truth makes some people hysterical and irrational.  I fully expect all the blowhards to bluster for a few days about what should be done, and then accomplish exactly nothing.
The intelligent will realize the truth and make their own preparations, realizing they can’t depend on a government that’s as socialist as the state of Hawaii’s is.  Even if that includes finding another place to live

A Chicken Coup?

This has been tweeted about by respected law professor Josh Blackman: . reverses policies at , forms  “Dumbledore’s Army,” uses text messages and encrypted apps to secretly communicate about government business

The most powerful branch of today’s government is the Fourth: the permanent federal bureaucracy that is nowhere mentioned in the Constitution. The Trump administration can best be viewed, perhaps, as a struggle to the death between American voters and the federal employees who are paid to serve them.

The constant media drumbeat of anti-Trump propaganda is, in many instances, taking its’ toll. The question is not; “Will the Trump presidency survive?”, but, more accurately and more darkly; “Will the Republic survive?” And, perhaps, more to the point, will the majority of Americans just shrug and accept what they have been given?

Here we go again

Another vehicle attack, this time in NYC!
Could have been much worse, were it not for a courageous school-bus driver
  1. As has been pointed-out by many, including me, this kind of attack is easily put together, and easily exported.
  2. We’ll see more of it!
  3. The single suspect is “middle-eastern,” and yelled “Allahu Akbar” during the attack. What a surprise
  4. NYC’s dufus mayor almost immediately (wishfully) declared that there was no ongoing threat, long before he had any business saying any such thing. Liberals, in and out of the media, typically tell you what they wish were true, not what is actually true!
  5. He also (as usual) declared the suspect a “lone wolf.” More wishful thinking!
  6. Typical ineffective government response will be the imposition of new restrictions on rental vehicles, which will of course, have zero effect on terrorists. Similar attempts to impose burdensome restrictions on the private ownership of guns are also ineffective. Once more, we’re predictably treated to lots of “security theater,” but precious little actual security, as we see!

What can be done by units of government to effectively address this kind of terrorist attack, and terrorist attacks in general?
All the things they don’t want to do:

  1. Restrict immigration from terrorist nations.
  2. Adopt “criminal profiling” as standard LE procedure
  3. Build a wall on our southern border.
  4. Start deporting illegal immigrants.
  5. Jail those who come back.
Again, none of the forgoing will happen any time soon.
What can we do as individuals?
  1. Understand that you’re “on your own.”
  2. Adopt personal preparedness as a way of life. Keep your head up
  3. Tweak your lifestyle so that you reduce exposure to aggravated risk.
  4. Acquire effective caliber weapons, pistols and rifles, and learn how to use them
  5. Go armed
  6. Have heavy weapons (rifles) always nearby
  7. Be prepared to change plans, particularly travel plans, instantly
  8. Be always ready to act decisively when necessary! Think in advance about what you might have to do, so you won’t hesitate. You will not get a second chance!

Terrorists will kill us all, unless we kill them first! It’s time everyone, in and out of government, confront this stark truth squarely!

All must take serious, personal responsibility for their own safety!
Conversely, when you think you want to be a “victim,” history will happily accommodate you, with no wavering, no regrets!
A quote from the movie “A Few Good Men” is appropriate here:

Nothing to see here… move along

The news cycle and the attention span of the public has moved the Las Vegas shooting incident out of the public consciousness. Nothing more of substance about the alleged shooter has been reported. No more news conferences or information regarding the weapons used or the weapons found.

59 souls reported dead and now two more who had survived fleeing the scene have experienced an equally horrific death in a single car crash just weeks after. And what do we hear from the Main Stream Media? Crickets.

According to the Daily Mail:

Vegas gunman shot hotel security guard six minutes BEFORE he opened fire on crowd: Police reveal major change to timeline and admit they have no idea why he stopped shooting

  • Originally cops said that Stephen Paddock’s rampage was disturbed by a guard
  • Paddock fired through the door of his room, injuring guard Jesus Campos
  • But on Monday cops changed their story, saying Campos was fired on first 
  • Campos was injured six minutes before Paddock’s 10-minute shooting spree 
  • Cops had used Campos’s interruption to explain why cops weren’t delayed
  • Cops came just after he was hit, by which time Paddock was silent, they said
  • Now there’s a 16-minute gap between Campos being hit and Paddock stopping
  • And it was 20 minutes passed from Campos reporting he was hit to cops arriving
  • Campos wasn’t investigating gunshots, but instead an ‘open-door’ alarm
  • The door wasn’t specified, but was likely the stairwell next to Paddock’s room 
  • Paddock had tampered with it to seal it up before the shooting, SWAT team said 
  • Police are once more baffled why Paddock stopped firing on the crowd 

Reports from air traffic controllers at McCarran airport of active shooters:

“There’s active shooters on the runway. They’re on the airport property”

0:50 / 2:20

Now in today’s Daily Mail there is this story:

Married Californian couple who survived the Vegas massacre die in a fiery car crash just half a mile from their home

  • Dennis and Lorraine Carver died when their car crashed into a metal gate
  • The husband and wife had survived the Las Vegas shooting that killed 59 people 
  • Mr Carver is said to have jumped on top of his wife to shield her from the bullets
  • They escaped uninjured before being killed in the fiery collision two weeks later

Hey, it had to be an unfortunate accident. They died in a car crash didn’t they?

Well, there is this from Huffpo:

According to a prominent security analyst, technology exists that could’ve allowed someone to hack his car. Former U.S. National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism Richard Clarke told The Huffington Post that what is known about the single-vehicle crash is “consistent with a car cyber attack.”

Clarke said, “There is reason to believe that intelligence agencies for major powers” — including the United States — know how to remotely seize control of a car.

“What has been revealed as a result of some research at universities is that it’s relatively easy to hack your way into the control system of a car, and to do such things as cause acceleration when the driver doesn’t want acceleration, to throw on the brakes when the driver doesn’t want the brakes on, to launch an air bag,” Clarke told The Huffington Post. “You can do some really highly destructive things now, through hacking a car, and it’s not that hard.”

“So if there were a cyber attack on the car — and I’m not saying there was,” Clarke added, “I think whoever did it would probably get away with it.”

Oh, well… I’m sure the Powers that Be will get to the bottom of things and tell us the “truth” soon enough,,, time to get back to the breathless coverage about Paul Manafort.

Flip the lever, pull the chain

The only true secrets are those that remain hidden. The only true mysteries, those that can never be solved.

There are events swirling like street dirt driven by the heady gusts of an incoming weather front.

Redacted information from events over a half century in the past withheld; a 180 degree change of direction in the probe regarding an international adversary; sudden information available regarding those alleged to be “good guys” and none of it making any coherent sense unless you have a depth chart hidden in plain sight and therefore mostly overlooked.

We must remember that those pushing the buttons and pulling the levers that control the machine generally are not concerned with controlling particular lives, (especially those of little import to them). They wish to control events, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly. It is about control, power and real wealth, and NOTHING happens without their input and approval.

The only true secrets are those that remain hidden. The only true mysteries, those that can never be solved.

Things are seldom as they seem

Just a little something to go with your morning cornflakes:

“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.
We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal.
We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.”

George Orwell – “1984”

Where communication depends on accurate reportage, we are woefully slipshod in our use of language. In an online forum… in general everyday life, no biggie.

In a SHTF EOTWAWKI situation, on the other hand, it could mean the difference between living or dying, (although the word “lightning” and “lightning bug” have the same root, not many of us, given the choice would opt to be hit by lightning over being hit by a lightning bug).

This blog is not meant to lecture anyone but to, as gently as this grumpy old man can be gentle, suggest a self-assessment of the way we use language, (which is, at best, an inexact method of communication). It is my intention to communicate as accurately as possible and cut through the fog of falsity with which we find ourselves surrounded.

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts.”
-George Orwell