It’s not a swamp, it’s a sewer

There is a picture circulating of President Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly doing a “facepalm” during the POTUS’ speech at the UN. GOP pundit Ed Rollins stated on the Lou Dobbs show that there are reports that Kelly was a supporter of Hillary Clinton and voted for her during the recent presidential election.

Supporters of President Trump are expressing horror and disgust and surprise. Why?

..and this is somehow a surprise? The “deep state”, the “shadow government”, whatever the current crop of pundits want to label it as had a surprise and, in their scheme of things, a minor setback in November of 2016. Like an improv group in a stage performance, the electorate went “off script” and improvised. This is little more than a small speed bump… an inconvenience to those who truly control the levers of power.

In the 9th month of this administration we can see that when all is said and done, there is much more said than done. Surprise, surprise…NOT!

THE DEEP STATE: Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember, that nothing is true. Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember, everything is permitted.