America-an obituary?

We’ve traded the American Revolution for the Cultural Revolution.

“Going thru my e mails, I found this, Called America. “

“… In the springtime of youth, an endless summer beckons. As you pass 70, it’s harder to hide from reality.Nations also have seasons: Imagine a Roman of the 2nd century contemplating an empire that stretched from Britain to the Near East, thinking: This will endure forever…. Forever was about 500 years, give or take.

France was pivotal in the 17th and 18th centuries; now the land of Charles Martel is on its way to becoming part of the Muslim ummah.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the sun never set on the British empire; now Albion exists in a perpetual twilight. Its 95-year-old sovereign is a fitting symbol for a nation in terminal decline.

In the 1980s, Japan seemed poised to buy the world. Business schools taught Japanese management techniques. Today, its birth rate is so low and its population aging so rapidly that an industry has sprung up to remove the remains of elderly Japanese who die alone.

I was born in 1942, almost at the midpoint of the 20th century – the American century. America’s prestige and influence were never greater. Thanks to the ‘Greatest Generation,’ we won a World War fought throughout most of Europe, Asia and the Pacific. We reduced Germany to rubble and put the rising sun to bed. It set the stage for almost half a century of unprecedented prosperity.

We stopped the spread of communism in Europe and Asia, and fought international terrorism. We rebuilt our enemies and lavished foreign aid on much of the world. We built skyscrapers and rockets to the moon. We conquered Polio and now COVID. We explored the mysteries of the Universe and the wonders of DNA…the blueprint of life.

But where is the glory that once was Rome? America has moved from a relatively free economy to socialism – which has worked so well NOWHERE in the world.

We’ve gone from a republican government guided by a constitution to a regime of revolving elites. We have less freedom with each passing year. Like a signpost to the coming reign of terror, the cancel culture is everywhere. We’ve traded the American Revolution for the Cultural Revolution.

The pathetic creature in the White House is an empty vessel filled by his handlers. At the G-7 Summit, ‘Dr. Jill’ had to lead him like a child. In 1961, when we were young and vigorous, our leader was too. Now a feeble nation is technically led by the oldest man to ever serve in the presidency.

We can’t defend our borders, our history (including monuments to past greatness) or our streets. Our cities have become anarchist playgrounds. We are a nation of dependents, mendicants, and misplaced charity. Homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegal aliens are put up in hotels.

The president of the United States can’t even quote the beginning of the Declaration of Independence (‘You know — The Thing’) correctly. Ivy League graduates routinely fail history tests that 5th graders could pass a generation ago. Crime rates soar and we blame the 2nd. Amendment and slash police budgets.

Our culture is certifiably insane. Men who think they’re women. People who fight racism by seeking to convince members of one race that they’re inherently evil, and others that they are perpetual victims. A psychiatrist lecturing at Yale said she fantasizes about ‘unloading a revolver into the head of any white person.’

We slaughter the unborn in the name of freedom, while our birth rate dips lower year by year. Our national debt is so high that we can no longer even pretend that we will repay it one day. It’s a $28-trillion monument to our improvidence and refusal to confront reality. Our ‘entertainment’ is sadistic, nihilistic and as enduring as a candy bar wrapper thrown in the trash. Our music is noise that spans the spectrum from annoying to repulsive.

Patriotism is called insurrection, treason celebrated, and perversion sanctified. A man in blue gets less respect than a man in a dress. We’re asking soldiers to fight for a nation our leaders no longer believe in.

How meekly most of us submitted to Fauci-ism (the regime of face masks, lockdowns and hand sanitizers) shows the impending death of the American spirit.

How do nations slip from greatness to obscurity?
• Fighting endless wars they can’t or won’t win
• Accumulating massive debt far beyond their ability to repay
• Refusing to guard their borders, allowing the nation to be inundated by an alien horde
• Surrendering control of their cities to mob rule • Allowing indoctrination of the young
• Moving from a republican form of government to an oligarchy
• Losing national identity
• Indulging indolence
• Abandoning faith and family – the bulwarks of social order.

In America, every one of these symptoms is pronounced, indicating an advanced stage of the disease.

Even if the cause seems hopeless, do we not have an obligation to those who sacrificed so much to give us what we had? I’m surrounded by ghosts urging me on: the Union soldiers who held Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg, the battered bastards of Bastogne, those who served in the cold hell of Korea, the guys who went to the jungles of Southeast Asia and came home to be reviled or neglected.

This is the nation that took in my immigrant grandparents, whose uniform my father and most of my uncles wore in the Second World War. I don’t want to imagine a world without America, even though it becomes increasingly likely.

During Britain’s darkest hour, when its professional army was trapped at Dunkirk and a German invasion seemed imminent, Churchill reminded his countrymen, ‘Nations that go down fighting rise again, and those that surrender tamely are finished.’

The same might be said of causes. If we let America slip through our fingers, if we lose without a fight, what will posterity say of us?

While the prognosis is far from good, only God knows if America’s day in the sun is over.”

Another unsettling email

The military has ruled if you are not fully vaxxed, you are not deployable.

An unsettling email I received…take it for what it is worth.

Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC) has a very close working relationship with Ft. Bragg and they have a number of programs to assist troops transitioning to the civilian world. I talked to one of my folks who works with troops wanting to transition to starting their own business.

He told me that all of the transition programs are totally swamped with senior troops saying F**k it, I’m getting out, and looking for help to what they will do after the military. The next biggest group are all the rest saying the same thing. Senior NCOs and officers are bailing out.

Also, this is having a significant economic impact on Fayetteville. Fayetteville survives on selling crap to soldiers and the base. Soldiers aren’t spending money. They are hording their cash because they don’t know how long they will have a pay check.

This is a big hit on retailers because younger troops tend to blow their money every two weeks because they have no obligations and like their toys. That has all stopped. Some retailers of such toys are reporting a 50% drop in revenue/sales. Many of these businesses survived during Covid because of the troop spending never stopping. That isn’t the case anymore.

I also talked to a recently retired Special Forces (SF) senior NCO who is still plugged into SF on Bragg. The base is FULL. The main reason for this is that the .MIL had ruled weeks ago that if you weren’t fully vaxxed, then you are not deployable. Most, if not all, units on Bragg are now undeployable because too many of their troops are not vaxxed reducing their deployable troop strength below minimums. As Bragg is the home of Army SF, this is having a major impact on mission capability worldwide.

Troops that are currently deployed can’t come home because no units are available to replace them. New mission requirements can’t be fielded because they don’t have the full strength units to deploy. He told me that all of this was intentional and the opinion of senior NCOs on Bragg is that this is intentional to weed out the “undesirables” and leave a weakened force that are woke.

He also said that it was going to be cluster f**k that was going to get a lot of people killed when a nation decides to take advantage of this. The conversation included Taiwan.

The rest of what he told me I can’t share here. But needless to say, it was damn ugly.

On a side note, I had to block most of the Bragg police channels from my scanner starting a few weeks ago because their levels of calls was overwhelming the other jurisdictions that are closer to home.

Armageddon? Maybe…

Differently though as covid 19 has about a 1% mortality rate the new virus from building number 666 has about a 75 % mortality rate . There at this time is no cure or treatment .

Another virus has emerged from building number 666 in Wuhan China .

They have developed another virus derived from bats . A visiting doctor testified the Chinese lab were developing the nipah virus when he visited the lab in December of 2019 .

Like covid 19 began the nipah virus is now spreading among the population.

Differently though as covid 19 has about a 1% mortality rate the new virus from building number 666 has about a 75 % mortality rate . There at this time is no cure or treatment .

The nipah virus has about a 45 day incubation period giving it lots of time to spread from human to human before the carrier knows of his or her looming death . The Chinese lab workers were probably delighted when they discovered it would also readily transmit from ticks to humans .

Nipah Virus

Well, isn’t that special?

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., October 2, 2013—Moderna Therapeutics, the company pioneering messenger RNA therapeutics™, a revolutionary new treatment modality to enable the in vivo production of therapeutic proteins, announced today that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded the company up to $25 million to research and develop its messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform as a rapid and reliable way to make antibody-producing drugs to protect against a wide range of known and unknown emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological threats.Messenger RNA therapeutics™ can be designed to tap directly into the body’s natural processes to produce antibodies without exposing people to a weakened or inactivated virus or pathogen, as is the case with the vaccine approaches currently being tested. As a result, Moderna’s messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform has the potential to speed the development and manufacture of treatments that can produce a safer, more reliable and more robust immune response than existing technologies…

Not a lot of info, not a lot of time

And we are wondering right now what is in those containers that are floating out there.

There has been much talk about the number of cargo ships anchored off our West coast causing supply shortages.

I’m almost getting cynical enough to believe that the ports being blocked and a lot of traffic coming in from Mexico into the US and Canada is part of their plan.

The way I see it, there are MULTIPLE countries right now heading into winter, with either FOOD, or FUEL, OR BOTH sourcing problems that have really started to come to a boil.

I get it, I am an old wolf, and the memory of history classes 45-60… years ago are rather, whats the word, AGED, yes aged. BUT, I vaguely remember that a LOT of wars were started when one country ran out of one of those resources inside of it’s borders, couldn’t afford to buy it from other countries, and resorted to war to try to get them.

Now we have not just one of two countries with one resource getting low and going into winter, we have several of them that are missing one or both. That is BAD.

And we are wondering right now what is in those containers that are floating out there. It could be supplies and Chinese crap that we bought months ago and nothing bad. Could be. They could be full of munitions and war footing equipment, waiting for either people inside the USA to get a hold of them, or come up with the Chinese soldiers that are all through South and Central America.
It could also be more Chinese troops (they have a lot of people over there, and their gov considers most of them “expendable”).

It could be just that they want to flood the ports down there, and that way have a massive armada of 18-wheelers that need to come up here pronto and have very little “inspection” going on. OR, it could be a mixture of all of these possibilities.

We have seen in the RECENT past that they DO like to ship a LOT of weaponry in CONEX and SeaPac boxes. They also have been proven to send human cargo that way.
There are at least 100+ container ships on our west coast at the moment. Each one of them holding between 7,000 and 20,000 TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units) worth of CONEX or SeaPac boxes (a 40 foot box is two TEUs).

If you wanted to ride in style, you could easily put 5-10 people in a TEU for a short while, bunks hooked to the wall, food and supplies in the cabinets underneath…
Or you could lay them in there like sardines and probably get 20 in a TEU. Let them out once a day to exercise and more often to eat and “take care of things”.

Let’s now say that all of the TEUs at “ground level” are “human”, and the ones above storage for “supplies and weaponry”, so we have a roughly 5 to 1 ratio of supply TEUs to soldier TEUs.
At let’s say an average of 18,000 TEUs per ship, that leaves 3,000 of them inhabited (times 10-20 each), and 15,000 TEUs full of supplies.

Just one or two ships doing this (or several that are partially loaded this way could cause massive trouble. Ask yourself, is China insane enough to try something like that?
What if they have complicit “assistance” from TPTB, and from people like General “Phone Tree” Milley? What if china was promised the land decades ago?

Lot of questions, lot of serious questions. Not a lot of info. Not a lot of time.

Define your adversary

just because millions of people are wary, leery, and cautious when it comes to the mRNA vaccine doesn’t mean that we’re “anti-vaxxers.”

(from an email I received)

We’ve all heard of “smear tactics” or a “smear campaign” and various “smear terms.” Some of us have bore the brunt of said name-calling. When I figured out that it was an ideological weapon used (primarily) by the left wing against the right wing I became far less concerned, vulnerable, or “guilty” when I found myself as the intended target of such political weaponry. These days, I’m not one bit afraid to use those tactics on the left. Doesn’t hurt to give them a dose of their own medicine from time to time.

Anyway, I was thinking of the new smear term: “anti-vaxxer.” I’m seeing it all over the place these days. If a person is opposed to taking the Covid vaccine then he or she is automatically an “anti-vaxxer.” It’s very much like calling someone who’s opposed to illegal immigration a “racist” or a man who leads his household a “patriarchal misogynist” or a person who believes homosexuality is morally wrong a “homophobe.” Well … you get the picture.

But I want to focus on the newest smear: anti-vaxxer. Though there are people in the world and in the USA who are wholly opposed to ALL forms of vaccination I’d say that most of us are willing to accept the fact that some vaccines have been quite beneficial over the decades. I’d also say that most of us aren’t opposed to people “choosing” to be vaccinated even if we don’t believe it’s necessary. I don’t personally care what someone else pumps into his or her veins. I’m all about a person’s “right to choose” in this instance.

But we live in a world where some of the FDA “approved” medicines have turned out to be downright dangerous. We’re also aware that medical malpractice is a leading cause of death in the USA. We also know that viruses can’t be cured by vaccination (a fact that’s currently unfolding before our very eyes). When we read an Israeli study that strongly suggests that folks who’ve had Covid and recovered from it are better off than vaccinated folks, we take note.

So just because millions of people are wary, leery, and cautious when it comes to the mRNA vaccine doesn’t mean that we’re “anti-vaxxers.” It means that we don’t trust what we’re being told and we want to see what the long term effects of a new and untested and unproven vaccine will do over the long term.

I like natural, grass-fed beef while avoiding meats high in antibiotics, hormones, and that have been fed GMO grains. Does that mean that I am “anti-beef?” No … it means that I’m health-conscious.

So those willing to call me an “anti-vaxxer” should be willing to accept being called “anti-choicer” or “anti-free will” or “anti-liberty.” Turnabout is fair play.

A Rant

No one is entitled to anything. You have a choice to work, to stay off drugs- a choice tomake something of yourself. I have nothing to do with your choice. That’s all on you. You are entitled to what you earn.

Copied from an email.

I need to rant for a minute.

I’m getting old and I’ve worked hard all my life. I have made my reputation – the good and the bad. I didn’t inherit my job or my income, and I have busted ass to get where I am in life.
I have juggled my job, my family, and I’ve made countless sacrifices up front to secure a good life for myself and my children. It wasn’t always easy and still isn’t, but I did it all while maintaining my integrity and my principles. I’ve never put anyone beneath myself or denied help to anyone. I have friends of every walk of life and if you’re in my circle, it should be understood that I don’t have to remind you of what I’d be willing to do for you.

However….I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. People who have sacrificed nothing and feel entitled to receive everything.

I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it themselves.

I’m tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which, no one is allowed to debate.

I’m tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talk like their opinions matter to the common man. I’m tired of any of them pretending they can even relate to the life and bank account that I have.

I’m tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor. I’m tired of the greed, everybody always wanting more.I’m tired of being labeled as a racist because I am white. Because I am proud of my heritage, the same way black, Asian and native people are proud of theirs.

I never stole any ones land, I never owned slaves and neither has anyone in my line of genealogy…

I’m tired of being told I need to accept the latest political fad, or politically correct stupidity, or blindly accept a group that would smile while stoning me because I won’t convert to their point of view. I’m really tired of people who don’t take responsibility for their lives and actions. Especially the ones that want me to fund it. I’m tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination, or big-whatever for their problems.

No one is entitled to anything. You have a choice to work, a choice to stay off drugs – a choice to make something of yourself. I have nothing to do with your choice. That’s all on you. You are entitled to what you earn.

I didn’t earn this for you. I didn’t put in the time, and the effort, and miss out on Christmases and birthdays and kid’s baseball games for you. I did this for my family. I EARNED this life for my family. You could have done the same.

You, and your government, have no right to reach into the pot I work so hard to fill.

Shared from a friend

In wartime we naturally expect civil liberties to be suspended. Likewise, the reasoning goes, during a pandemic we need to act in a unified way under some central command to fight this viral existential threat. Individual rights and freedoms must be curtailed for the sake of the greater good. 

But that’s a false analogy. A pandemic is not a war. It’s a natural disaster. (Granted, SARS-CoV-2 may not be so “natural,” but still, the virus is not an “enemy” waging a war on us.) 

Michel Accad, MD

The main reason we are seemingly so accepting of lockdowns and vaccine mandates is that we have been conditioned to view a pandemic or an epidemic as a war being waged on our society. 

In wartime we naturally expect civil liberties to be suspended. Likewise, the reasoning goes, during a pandemic we need to act in a unified way under some central command to fight this viral existential threat. Individual rights and freedoms must be curtailed for the sake of the greater good. 

But that’s a false analogy. A pandemic is not a war. It’s a natural disaster. (Granted, SARS-CoV-2 may not be so “natural,” but still, the virus is not an “enemy” waging a war on us.) 

A natural disaster doesn’t intend to subjugate cities and countryside, take natural resources and wealth, rape women, or enslave men. The virus doesn’t intend any of this. It has no intentions whatsoever. Heck, it is not even alive.

The only similarity between a war and a pandemic, then, is that oftentimes many lives are lost in both cases. I say “oftentimes” because it is actually not the case that lives are always lost during war, even if the war itself is lost. The enemy may be so powerful as to take over the country without a shot being fired. In fact, war rarely aims to kill citizens for the sake of killing. Deaths are usually the consequence of one state trying to control another. Once control is achieved, the killing usually stops. 

But not so with the virus. So far as we know, it just kills individuals mindlessly. It has neither the intention nor the capability of taking over the country or subjugating the people. Therefore, it is not a threat to the common good, only to many individual goods.

And that’s a major difference. It’s for the sake of the common good that, in wartime, we accept the sacrifice of the individual good. And, particularly if it’s a “just war,” the sacrifice is actually embraced by the individual. The hero may regret leaving behind wife and children but he is propelled to move to the front by the greater attraction of safeguarding the greater good.

Granted, human nature being what it is, wars are rarely just and individuals are rarely heroes, so the sacrifice often involves forced conscription. But still, we can have a sense of how things are supposed to be in time of a “good” war when all citizens are “good” and ready to enlist.

But a pandemic is clearly not like war. It does not bring forth the same motivations of heroic self-sacrifice and reactions of solidarity that a just war brings. If a heroic action takes place during a pandemic (and clearly such action does take place from the ranks of frontline workers) it is a self-sacrifice aimed at saving the lives of particular individuals and is therefore indistinguishable from peacetime heroic action, as when a person jumps into a torrent to save a drowning baby. It is motivated by the love of neighbor, not love of country (i.e., common good love), precisely because it is not the country nor its common good that is under threat.

This is particularly true of this covid pandemic which attacks individuals with such discrimination, generally sparing the young and healthy while slamming the old or those with metabolic or immune vulnerabilities. But discriminate destruction is, in fact, typical of natural disasters: It is the Gulf Coast, Florida, and the Eastern Seaboard that are the target of the hurricane while the earthquake shakes California; Vesuvius was fatal for Pompeii, but hardly for the rest of Campania or for Naples; the flood affects those living on the plain, not the mountain dwellers; etc. It is not the common good that is undermined by the disaster, but only many individual material properties and many individual lives. War, on the other hand, aims at controlling the whole land.

That’s why lockdowns and vaccine mandates are so wrong. They are a kind of collective action that would be justified in wartime but is applied in actual peacetime. 

And it’s easy to see the difference in effect: when the state mobilizes factories to build weapons to defend from the invasion, the good that results benefits everyone, since the threat itself is collective. But when the state shuts down restaurants and churches allegedly to save hospitals, while the Zoomocracy thrives, it has pitted one part of the nation against another, thus manufacturing winners and losers from within its own people.

And likewise with these horrendous vaccine mandates that overtly do violence to the unvaccinated who are plainly innocent of any wrongdoing. By coercing vaccination on one group to “protect” another group from the virus, state mandates treat some people as human shields for the benefit of others. Yet all are within the same commonwealth!

Our preconditioned way of thinking about pandemics in martial terms may unfortunately turn into reality. The virus may eventually recede but many common goods may not survive the response to the pandemic.

After it was announced that the administration would decree a nationwide vaccine mandate that could affect 100 million people, the Babylon Bee immediately put up a headline “Joe Biden Announces Civil War.” 

It wasn’t fake news. Unfortunately it was not satire either.


There are people in the world who put no value on human life, even their own. They would say or do anything to do harm to someone else and not think twice about it. Some cultures hate other cultures simply for being a different culture. They live to kill people they do not see eye to eye with. Heck, many live to kill other humans simply to kill them.

I talked with some of my Democrat/progressive friends the other day. They believe Joe Biden is on the right path for the country. They get most of their ‘news’ from Alexa/MSM, so no surprise there.

Also interesting. They do not have a concept of things outside of the United States and how other cultures live. Living with blinders on so to speak. Our conversation got around to immigration and the Afganies being brought over. We also chatted about our open southern border and letting anyone in who just happened to show up. They agree both these are good things. I disagreed.

Living in a Christian country, where we believe in a live and let live, everyone is free to do as they please society, it is hard for them to view anything else. They cannot fathom that other ‘cultures’ and philosophies put a different value on “life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. It seems they cannot imagine anyone thinking any differently. They live in a land of make believe. 

Early in the President Trump term, we heard a lot about “MS13”. I had heard of them, but never really gave it much thought. So I did some reading around. I read police reports, saw extremely graphic pictures and even a video one of them had taken while preforming ‘machete work’ on a live victim. Do not go looking for them if you are faint of heart.

There are people in the world who put no value on human life, even their own. They would say or do anything to do harm to someone else and not think twice about it. Some cultures hate other cultures simply for being a different culture. They live to kill people they do not see eye to eye with. Heck, many live to kill other humans simply to kill them.

This needs to be understood when they are spreading around “Immigrants”. If you are awake and look for the truth, the Somalies in Europe think nothing of raping and killing the local inhabitants of the country that took them in. Many of a certain faith will kill “infidels” simply for being infidels. They will kill you just because you do not think like they do or you look different. Yeah, they are not “Woke” like we in the United States are.

“Mass immigration” exacerbates the situation. Especially a mono-culture Mass immigration then putting them all in one area. They do not assimilate into their new culture, they continue as they had before. Taking in immigrants and assimilating them into their new culture is what is needed if they are to thrive in a new socity. Even then, the worst of the lot will not.

President Putin understands this. I believe he has been fighting the Globalists all alone until President Trump came along. He knows what the mass immigration means to his country, and it is not a good thing. Here is a short blurb about the Afghan’s the USA is taking in thousands of unvetted, and President Putin’s view of it. He is not taking any in. Remember, he was the only country to offer asylum to the white South African farmers and he has not taken in any of the others whom mass migrated into the rest of Europe.

Vladimir Putin says he’s not allowing Afghan refugees into Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday his country won’t accept Afghan refugees because he doesn’t want to deal with “militants” masquerading as asylum-seekers.

The Russian strongman slammed Western nations for placing Afghan refugees in countries even near his border while their US and European visas are being processed.

“Does that mean that they can be sent without visas to those countries, to our neighbors, while they themselves don’t want to take them without visas?” Putin raged to the Russian TASS news agency. “Why is there such a humiliating approach to solving the problem?’

He said he will not accept “militants showing up here under cover of refugees.”

The US has negotiated with various countries to at least temporarily accept Afghans who are fleeing their country

Russian officials have not joined in the effort to evacuate thousands of desperate Afghans at Kabul airport seeking to flee the country.

Rather, the Kremlin has praised the Taliban for “restoring order” to Afghanistan.

“We are seeing the statements the Taliban made about ceasing combat actions, an amnesty for all of those involved in the confrontation, about a need for a nationwide dialogue,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said. “They are being implemented.”

Since nothing in today’s world is as it seems, has the “Clown Invitational Association” set the Taliban up as a buffer between the Communist Chinese and the Middle Eastern oil fields?