Armageddon? Maybe…

Differently though as covid 19 has about a 1% mortality rate the new virus from building number 666 has about a 75 % mortality rate . There at this time is no cure or treatment .

Another virus has emerged from building number 666 in Wuhan China .

They have developed another virus derived from bats . A visiting doctor testified the Chinese lab were developing the nipah virus when he visited the lab in December of 2019 .

Like covid 19 began the nipah virus is now spreading among the population.

Differently though as covid 19 has about a 1% mortality rate the new virus from building number 666 has about a 75 % mortality rate . There at this time is no cure or treatment .

The nipah virus has about a 45 day incubation period giving it lots of time to spread from human to human before the carrier knows of his or her looming death . The Chinese lab workers were probably delighted when they discovered it would also readily transmit from ticks to humans .

Nipah Virus