Rus war

Those of us who DO learn from history are doomed to witness those who don’t repeat the same mistakes over and over.

The histories of Russia and Ukraine are very closely related. Around 862, A.D., the Rus people settled in what is now Ukraine. From this settlement the nations of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine can trace their beginnings.

Today the language of these three nations is very similar and they share a common attachment to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Depending on how one judges the “beginning” of Russia and Ukraine, their history predates the United States anywhere from 300 to 900 years. These Eastern European people possess a long and complicated history; therefore, it is very difficult to make definitive statements on the correctness of either party’s position in this conflict.

We also know that government is about control, and the best way to control the populace is to control the flow of information.

By now, most conscious folks are aware that the government is lying to us.

The political establishment that promised, “Read my lips, no new taxes,” lied. The same political establishment who promised “Shovel ready jobs,” lied. The political establishment that assured America that the Iraqi war was necessary because of “weapons of mass destruction” were proven wrong.

The same government and media that promised that face-masks would protect from viruses were wrong. Is it any wonder that according to a recent Gallup poll, 64% of Americans have no faith in the media’s fairness?

At only a 18% approval, the Federal government’s approval rating is even lower than the media’s pitiful rating.

Americans appear to trust a used car salesman more than they trust the government or the media! Yet most accept what they are fed by the government and media talking heads.

We should be careful about adopting the talking points of such underrated groups as the media and Federal government.