Copied from a friend

People always want to know “when?”. When will the market crash? When will the credit facade implode? When will the reset occur? When will truth and the rule of law return? When will we return to “normal”? When, when when!

First things first, were things “normal” prior to Covid? Or, were we like frogs in a pot of heating water and accepting each expansion of the tyranny envelope as the new normal? Only now do people (some) see the world as off the rails, and it wasn’t just a couple of years ago? And what about the people who see our new world as something just, right and the way it should be?

In case you are wondering, our current state of affairs did not just happen, or happen by mistake. It all started on Nov. 22, 1963 when JFK was assassinated. The Warren commission signed off and whitewashed the affair…and the American public didn’t say boo. Then the US defaulted on Aug.15 1971 by going off the gold standard. The dollar began to seriously debase, there were a couple of recessions and then it was off the “nominal” races. The markets crashed in 1987 but were saved by a paltry $6 million jam job to Value Line futures. Governments learned a valuable lesson here, market pricing could be “forced” via derivatives!

Then along came 911. Just as today with Covid’s antivaxxers, and horse paste promoters, anyone who questioned the official narrative was deemed a conspiracy theorist. The average American did not want to hear common sense nor truth. No, they just wanted to ignore it all and go on with their lives…because it really didn’t affect them. The problem is, 911 brought forward all sorts of government skullduggery versus the citizenry in the form of terrorism laws, surveillance, etc. Again, few spoke up so we now see and live a “new normal”.

So here we are today in the new normal with no currency on the planet backed by anything real, only government promises and hopium to lend any value. Almost every western nation today fits the 1970’s definition of banana republic…both financially and how badly the rule of law has failed. Populations have been sliced and diced by age, sex, skin color, religion, political/sexual preference etc. etc. Divide and conquer at its best!

Insane asset valuations have been created and funded by debt and fine-tuned by derivatives. Debt has become the “foundation” to everything, again, part of the new normal. We have even seen make believe assets (NFT’s) soar to mighty heights, but not to worry as this is now normal? Right has become wrong, up is now down, black is now white. If you have and use common sense then you are considered a racist, bigoted, homophobic/islamaphobic/misogynist pig. If you believe assets should be real rather than fake, or stand on their own rather than propped up by debt, then you are considered a dinosaur doomed to extinction.

Just in the last two years alone, the Fed has increased money supply outstanding by over 35%…and had at least four cases (never to be prosecuted?) of members caught insider trading. We had very dubious elections, the largest bank in the land plead guilty to their 4th and 5th felonies, a bad case of the flu that preceded experimental injections made mandatory, leaving many sterile, immunocompromised or even dead. Follow the science they say? I am here to tell you that this particular brand of science will lead only to outright tyranny…I could go on and on as the above doesn’t even scratch the surface.

My point is this, if you ask “when”, then you have not been paying attention. “When” has already happened and is happening daily, and it was all pretty much done in broad daylight if you knew how and where to look. They have already told you the plan…to build back better. Do you get it? In order to build back better, they must tear the system down first. Look around you? There is nothing but lies and bogus policy that anyone with a functioning brain can decipher.

We are way beyond “math” now, isn’t it obvious to you yet that they plan to pull the rug out from under everything they possibly can? At this point, the spark could be anything from the little boy who exclaims the king as naked to some sort of horrific false flag? With the speed of destruction we have already experienced, what makes you believe there is ANY time left?

And lastly, if you believe there is going to be a White Knight who rides in to save the day and bring back “normal”, you are sorely mistaken. As it stands now, inflation (even as per BLS) is sniffing at 10%. Do compressed interest rates under 3% make any sense? What effect will higher interest rates have on the most highly levered system the world has ever seen? I’ll leave you with this…The Fed is dead, cash is trash, and return OF capital should be your highest financial concern!!!