Coming to a gulag near you…

Once you are labeled a terrorist, they can do what they want with you.

DOJ, FBI and the Military have all been stating that the greatest threat to the U.S. is “White Supremacy” while simultaneously trying to define and declare “White Supremacy” as “domestic terror”.

If they succeed in doing so, anyone with an opposing viewpoint will immediately get labeled racist to silence them, lest they be further accused of being a domestic terrorist.
Make no mistake, conservatives, Trump supporters, and especially white males are a target for retribution by the left.

Leftist politicians, propagandists of the media and other talking heads have openly proposed , reeducation camps, penalties, black lists, and various other punishments for Trump supporters/conservatives.

Once you are labeled a terrorist, they can do what they want with you.

Anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, election audit states, Mike Lindell symposium attendees, people opposed to CRT, people who stand up against commie school boards, people who talk about all the above on social media, Trump supporters/voters.

All they need to do is stage a false flag event and blame it on any one of the above groups.
It’s coming…