Cluster What?

Rest easy America. Everything is under control. CNN says eveything will be alright.

Other than a royal cluster f***, what did Biden leave behind in Afghanistan?

-The Taliban now has javelin missiles as well as the OS for Strykers and other military vehicles.
-An F-15 flight simulator was also left in Bagram, the Taliban has that now.
-surface to aim missiles
-killer drones
– information on computers and drives
-F-15 fighters
-Blackhawk helicopters
-automatic battle rifles
-stockpiles of ammunition
-US credibility as an ally

– Hundreds of Afghan soldiers fled to Uzbekistan taking 22 military planes and 24 helicopters with them

And hat’s off for our ace intelligence community who just a couple days ago said there was no immediate threat. Think of the human intelligence that will be compromised. Before they chop heads off, people will be tortured to reveal the names of CIA and other operatives.

I can not believe this was not the planned outcome.Biden just gave away some of our high-tech equipment to China and the rest of the hostile world.

Rest easy America. Everything is under control. CNN says everything will be alright. They reported from outside the Embassy in Kabul, saying that the Taliban were chanting “Death to America” but that they seem mostly friendly

One thought on “Cluster What?”

  1. Ok. Your final comment sounds like something I said lately. Also the comment of clus*er f*ck. Very familiar.
    Whatever happens–happens. Can’t say the warning signs were invisible.
    They were real friendly. 😀 um, sure.

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