America, occupied Part 2 “The Big Lie”

The real “big lie” is that the regime is a legitimate “democracy.”

The real “big lie” is that the regime is a legitimate “democracy.” As the saying goes, the lady doth protest too much. Just like January 6, the regime cannot talk about the 2020 election without hyperbole. It was not only legitimate, they tell us, but the very most legitimate, most fair, most robust, most democratic election ever. It is “not hyperbole,” Biden says, to call it “the fullest expression of the will of the people in the history of this nation.” We can never go back, then, to the way we voted before the coronavirus. That would be “Jim Crow on steroids.” And why should we? Only insurrectionists worry about voter fraud.

With its obnoxious “big lie” rhetoric, the regime is scapegoating the people for their legitimate grievances. If they can be forced to pretend that the 2020 election was fair and that Biden is not a crooked gerontocrat installed in a ruthless power grab, then they will have acquiesced to the rule of the oligarchy and may never expect legitimate elections ever again.

The 2020 election was a sham, a Third World farce. It is not necessary to consider ballot shenanigans to acknowledge this. The sheer volume of lies the regime told to take down Donald Trump, the extent of the dirty cover-ups to protect Biden, were unlike anything in American history. The media behaved, as they do now, like Pravda.

For these same people to now shriek about “the big lie” can be nothing other than a boast, a flex of power meant to demoralize.

After all, didn’t these very same people spend years frothing about the “pee tape” at ear-shattering volume to discredit Trump? Yes, they did that. They know that we know that they did that, and they don’t care. They’re saying, “we can do whatever we want, tell whatever lies we want, tamper how we please with your elections, but you’re never allowed to push back. If you should dare, we’ll make certain to destroy you—in the name of democracy.”