
NAC (N-acetyl cysteine), an antioxidant food supplement that is a precursor to glutathione, counters the toxic effects of graphene oxide and has also been shown to cure “COVID”


Why is this important?
Scientists have concluded that the symptoms of “COVID-19” are, in fact the symptoms of graphene oxide poisoning and that the graphene oxide nanoparticles discovered in the Pfizer vials by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid at the University of Almería are also found in surgical masks, thus confirming of the suspicions of a British doctor, featured here last April. Surgical masks produced by Shandong Shenquan New Materials were taken off the market in Spain by the national health authority, Sanidad last April, due to the discovery of graphene oxide.

Graphene oxide is found in the testing swabs used in both the PCR and the antigen tests, as well as in all the flu shots after 2019.

In other words, everybody using Chinese surgical masks and taking COVID tests has been getting hit with graphene oxide – not just the vaccinated people!

NAC (N-acetyl cysteine), an antioxidant food supplement that is a precursor to glutathione, counters the toxic effects of graphene oxide and has also been shown to cure “COVID” Glutathione is found in very high levels in children. Therefore, “COVID” has hardly any impact on the child population. Glutathione levels drop considerably after 65 years of age, which is why “COVID” is more prevalent in older people.

Graphene oxide is particularly tuned to absorb electronic frequencies in the same bandwidth of the 5G network, which excites and oxidizes this material very rapidly. This has the effect of attacking our bodies’ natural antioxidant glutathione reserves.

Interestingly enough, Amazon just de-platformed – stopped selling – NAC!

Make of this what you will.