Bring on the Variants

A worrying new strain of Covid-19 that is more transmissible and possibly more vaccine-resistant than Delta has been detected in Australia.

The world’s most transmissible Covid-19 strain has found its way into Australia – with worrying research revealing it may be even more infectious than the Delta variant.

The Lambda strain has puzzled World Health Organisation (WHO) scientists after it spread to nearly 30 countries in the last four weeks. The mutation was originally discovered in Peru and is related to 81 per cent of the country’s cases since April. Lambda was last month declared a ‘Variant of Interest’ by the WHO, which noted that it was “associated with substantive rates of community transmission in multiple countries.”Peru currently has the highest covid mortality rate of anywhere in the world. In Australia, the variant was detected in an overseas traveler who had been in NSW hotel quarantine in April, according to national genomics database AusTrakka.

Wow, the massive vaccination program is not working as expected … or is it? Seems to me it is working just the way those crazy, not-the-right-science, scientists said it would by making things worse not better.
I think if you start thinking in terms of bioweapons and purposeful deployment the puzzled WHO might not be so puzzled.

Apparently a lot of these “refugees” that are pouring in over our essentially open borders are loaded with ebola, smallpox, and all sorts of exotic, virulent diseases. Essentially walking bio weapons being deployed – and our “administration” is quickly transporting them (at Taxpayer’s expense) all over the fruited plains of America before they get symptomatic and die in order to infect as many of us peasants as possible.

“Don’t want our vaccines, Kulaks? Here; let’s see how you like diphtheria and yellow fever.
How many “asylum seekers” have been infected with rabies, and how long will it be before they start running up and down our streets biting people? That kind of behavior wouldn’t be all that unusual for the bums inhabiting some of our urban areas. Only when half the population starts frothing at the mouth biting each other might we suspect that something was amiss.

Survivors will be lining up for the rabies vaccine – which might be very similar in composition to the RONA 5G mind control slow death vaccine. Stockpiles of it are probably already prepared and ready to distribute at “warp speed”.
See how that works?

Oh; did I mention – rabies is about 99.99% fatal?
Incentive for accepting the vaccine will be a lot higher than it was for a virus that most healthy individuals have about a 99.999% chance of surviving, despite grossly exaggerated propaganda scaring us Peasants spitless over it’s reputed lethal effects.

How obvious does it have to get before the sheeple wake up and realize – they want us dead… At least 95% of us.

“It’s for the planet”, don’t you see?

One thought on “Bring on the Variants”

  1. What a fiasco. Our country has become a testing lab.”well maybe this will work, or that will work”. I still love the old country Drs. When I was IL with rheumatic fever our local Dr came to our house to check me at 9:25 at night.
    Have’nt been around much. Moving to Missouri. 6 mile trip. 😀

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