More PCR covid testing hijinks.

A 40-cycle threshold produces a 97 percent false positive rate.

People vaccinated if tested get a cycle threshold of 28, very low intentionally to give a negative sars-cov-2 result. But the great unvaxed get a PCR test with a much higher threshold of 40-45 so anything looks like its positive for covid.

Check out this document from the U.S. Centers Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which openly admits that two different PCR tests are now being used for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

“The American CDC uses a 40+ cycle threshold to inflate the number of Covid-19 cases and generate fear based on ‘presumption,’ not deaths,” reports Taps Newswire. “40+ cycles are also used in Canada. A 40-cycle threshold produces a 97 percent false positive rate.”
More at link and other links to follow for more info: