More on face diapers.

The bottom line here is, if you believe that masks make you safer then wear one, (or two, or four or whatever number satisfies your mind). It is a personal choice as protecting YOUR health is YOUR personal choice.

Do masks prevent SARS-2? Not according to a 2017 Oxford University study.

For those who present studies that say masks work, those studies always look at how a mask blocks sneezes of coughs. They show that droplets will be knocked down by a mask and not travel 15 feet.

Well no duh.

But what they don’t tell you is the virus still goes through the mask, it just won’t go as far. They are lying to you if they say it blocks viruses. But they usually don’t say that.

They trick you with sleight of hand talking points. They say see it blocks droplets and bacteria from spreading far. But if the virus still goes through, a sick person has still contaminated the store you are in, and your mask will not stop it from getting to you. FACTS they don’t like.

By the way, even if I was wrong about masks, (I am not wrong – the science on this cannot change), but let’s pretend I am.

Your eyes are still exposed and you can catch the virus through your eyes regardless. That is a medical fact that proves masks cannot prevent a virus from spreading.

The bottom line here is, if you believe that masks make you safer then wear one, (or two, or four or whatever number satisfies your mind). It is a personal choice as protecting YOUR health is YOUR personal choice. My decision, after doing my due diligence, to not mask up is MY personal choice. It is a personal choice regarding MY health.

One thought on “More on face diapers.”

  1. Being I think like to some degree, I already had searched about the masks.
    It is sad that we have people in high positions that think they can lie to the masses and get away with it. 😒
    Have a good day. I am off to get my injury oxygenated.
    Good post Patrick. 📣

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