Because of Donald Trump

Because of Trump I learned about the Federal Bureaucracy.
Because of Trump I learned about how Congress “works”.
Because of Trump I learned about tariffs.
Because of Trump I learned about the State and Federal Judiciary.
Because of Trump I learned about Impeachment.
Because of Trump I learned about the FBI, CIA, NSA, DoD.
Because of Trump I learned about Elections and Election Fraud.
Because of Trump I learned about the Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, the fiat currency.
Because of Trump I learned about illegal immigration, drug trafficking, human trafficking, child sex trafficking and the rampant pedophilia in Hollywood.
Because of Trump I learned how DC screws us over in both political parties.
Because of Trump I learned how corrupt Media is.

And now, because of Trump, I’ve learned about Wall Street.

I know more about the system than I ever thought I would, or ever thought I’d care to know. I now have that knowledge base moving forward as a citizen of the United States for America, and I’ll never forget any of it.

One thought on “Because of Donald Trump”

  1. Strange how we can learn so much when corruption is involved, isn’t it?
    I am now very critical with news programs. There is very few people I believe. Even less channels.
    I am back to watching westerns. You can pick out the good guy right away. 😊
    Have a blessed day my friend.
    My theory: I have a roof over my head, food in the cupboard, hot and cold running water and people that care about me. *My life is good*

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