A new leaf?

Stay grey, listen and learn, know what your enemy is up to. Exposing yourself as the enemy is a bad thing early in the game.

The Left champions one narrative while the right champions the opposite.

Maybe we are being played, maybe not (It appears we are though).

Perhaps there is still time to change tactics.

Until something happens, get up, go to work (or do retired things), pay your bills on time, avoid conflict on social media or in person, work on projects around the house, garden if you can, help your neighbors with their projects or needs, worship and have faith. Sleep at least 6 to 8 hours a night and eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water.

Nothing else to do unless the train actually comes off the rails. Keep yourself informed and stay prepared, but don’t let all of this keep you from living a good life, our years are too short. When the time comes (if it does), react quickly and decisively also have back up plans for your back up plans.

Stay grey, listen and learn, know what your enemy is up to. Exposing yourself as the enemy is a bad thing early in the game. Blend in and make yourself just another member of the community. If asked, tell them politics sure isn’t your thing, this year only proves why.