There is no good outcome

The Nazi’s never really hid who they where and their plans but many Good German’s voted for Hitler because ‘that was just talk, I never thought they would actually do such things, those things are unthinkable, we didn’t know’.

With what is going on, an observation;

There’s no “good” outcome to this, just varying degrees of bad/pain/grief.

No matter what happens 1/2 of the country will be pissed. As of right now all the progressive’s are happy as pigs in errr um mud.

If things turn the chatter class would be in hyper pearl clutching mode. You could put a signed document, video confession and Biden himself explaining how he tried to sell us off to China and the highest bidder, and many would close their eyes, cover their ears and scream.

The progressives and unfortunately many indoctrinated youth have built the early developed fragile world views on the spoon fed ‘righteousness’ of their government control religion.

Many are so far gone they like the Japanese soldiers would go to any length before even thinking of surrender.

The division, the fragility of the radicalized youth and what they are capable of in their fanatic devotion and self/country loathing and the further instability if faced with an ego bomb that destroys their world view?

If someone childishly assumes I want a civil war, I can’t make people think with clarity. The left has pushed many in the west to fear analytical discourse.

Instead of facing up to current reality and the threats to the Judeo- Christian capitalistic system, we dance around language and feelz as if truth and reality cares about feelz.

Do you think if China invaded the US via a land bridge through Canada the Chinese would care about concepts like free speech, diversity, and demands for safe spaces cause authoritative dictators invading and killing makes some sad?

This hasn’t fully played out but the cover is off the progressive left.
When an entire party says they not only hate what you stand for but thinks the solution is to throw anyone who disagree’s out of the party oops political office.

You disagree no social media.
You disagree no banking.
You disagree no job.
You disagree you get a chance to go to a ‘job education camp’ (wonder where that idea came from) and after that, I don’t know what does your understanding of history lead you to think is their final solution????

For those who support the democrats you should ask yourself how far would you go to be a ‘good German?’ It has become painfully obvious that the society that became Nazi Germany required not only the radicals pulling the strings but enough of the society to allow them to proceed.

The Nazi’s never really hid who they where and their plans but many Good German’s voted for Hitler because ‘that was just talk, I never thought they would actually do such things, those things are unthinkable, we didn’t know’.