Ten Great Deceptions Designed to Destroy the Republic-CONTINUED

There are at least 10 major lies that are now so ubiquitous that most people never question them. We will list them over the next 5 days leading up to the election

In the last ten years or so it has become increasingly evident that you are either believing what the left (or the diet pill manufacturer) is saying or you are paying attention to reality.

There are at least 10 major lies that are now so ubiquitous that most people never question them. We will list them over the next 5 days leading up to the election:

Lie #5 – Biology is an Illusion
There are no true genders; only states of mind. After 35 years in clinical practice, after hearing just about everything noble, demented, or delusional, this still astounds me. Have you ever had a conversation with someone speaking “word salad?” This is it. And the ultimate goal of this lie? The elimination of the family and the stable, present father.

Lie #6 – If you Love America, You’ll Destroy It
Violence means “I love you.” This is the core BLM deception. Because they care so very much, they are driven mad by normal citizens who are minding their own business, so mad they are compelled to burn down stores, attack you while you’re dining out, break into cars, set fire to your home, and tear down historic landmarks. This lie strikes me as particularly interesting since they also claim to be the advocates of minority’s, women’s and children’s rights. “I hit you ‘cuz I love you” is the excuse of every single narcissistic abuser I’ve ever met.

Scripture for today:

Isaiah 32:17

And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever.

Continued tomorrow.