Ten Great Deceptions Designed to Destroy the Republic-CONTINUED

There are at least 10 major lies that are now so ubiquitous that most people never question them. We will list them over the next 5 days leading up to the election

In the last ten years or so it has become increasingly evident that you are either believing what the left (or the diet pill manufacturer) is saying or you are paying attention to reality.

There are at least 10 major lies that are now so ubiquitous that most people never question them. We will list them over the next 5 days leading up to the election:

Lie #7 – The Lie of the Mask

Remember The Minority Report in which “criminals” are prosecuted before they’ve committed a crime? Welcome to the machine. Because it’s all about potential, proof is not necessary, but we all need to be afraid. Very afraid. If it isn’t the end of all life with climate changes, it’s a virus that will end yours soon if you don’t wear the solidarity mask even if you have no symptoms. In this version of leftist Utopia, we are faceless disease vectors, quarantined forever in pursuit of an impossible level of safety.

Lie #8 – Money Solves Everything

Housing projects are the answer to poverty and poverty is society’s greatest ill (as if some of our greatest citizens weren’t poor and many of our worst criminals weren’t rich). It is a monstrous lie as anyone who lives within 50 miles of a major city can attest. (See Thomas Sowell’s piece A Legacy of Liberalism.) This is the lie that decimates community.

Scripture for today:

Isaiah 32:17

And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever.

Continued tomorrow.