Ten Great Deceptions Designed to Destroy the Republic

There are at least 10 major lies that are now so ubiquitous that most people never question them. We will list them over the next 5 days leading up to the election.

In the last ten years or so it has become increasingly evident that you are either believing what the left (or the diet pill manufacturer) is saying or you are paying attention to reality.

There are at least 10 major lies that are now so ubiquitous that most people never question them. We will list them over the next 5 days leading up to the election:

Lie #1 – Truth is Relative

In the leftist handbook, truth is a function of feeling. This may be the greatest deception ever perpetrated on humanity since Pilate asked, “What is truth?” Yet, for so many of the academically indoctrinated, this is the fulcrum of their philosophical worldview and the secret source of their smugness.

Lie #2 – Abortion is Personal

There is no “other” in the womb, no independent life. This has become so embedded in leftist ideology that abortion has become the banner issue in nearly every election over the last 60 years. In a conversation with a friend with very progressive leanings (he needs the money), abortion came up. I questioned him about partial-birth murders and he said, “That hardly ever happens.” Really? As if one baby homicide were okay? The more irrational the argument, the more ingrained the original lie. Little lives apparently don’t matter.

Scripture for today:

Job 34:30

That the hypocrite should not reign, Lest the people be ensnared.

Continued tomorrow.