You say you want a revolution

“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.” – Barry Goldwater.

The Bolsheviks won their initial control because they had two elements: surprise and complete willingness to use extreme measures.

The problem is that in general, conservative, constitutional patriots are (for the most part) a docile, peaceful people, quite unwilling to act like murderous lunatics (as the Bolsheviks did).

So, going forward, we need to WAKE UP the patriots so that they realize the TRUE DANGER of what is coming. This is why Trump was 100% correct during the debate in acting like he’s in a knock-down, drag-out, no-holes-barred street fight with Biden. You can TELL that the average American (even many here) seemed to be outright “disgusted” by the “childish” display that passed for a Presidential debate. But that only PROVES that too many of us (even at this late stage of the game) DO NOT “GET IT” YET.

We need to follow Trump’s lead and become MORE extreme in our defense of liberty.

“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.” – Barry Goldwater.

It goes against our nature to be extreme, I realize. But we are in a fight for the LIFE of this nation. We have entered a new paradigm. We cannot afford the luxury of being passive or even “reasonable and civil” in this fight. Those “peaceful” methods no longer work against murderous lunatics such as those currently being praised and supported by the leftists in the Democratic Party & their globalist partners. We simply MUST act in accordance with the new level of THREAT that now stands against us.

When this election is stolen by the Bolsheviks (and it will be), we CANNOT simply “play by the rules”. At that point, ALL RULES ARE NULL AND VOID, and it will be TOTAL WAR.

I think Trump gets this. But I fear many God-fearing, solid conservative Constitutional patriots are still thinking in terms of the old paradigm. That is dangerous, and we’d better start waking up before it’s too late.

It’s time to stir up our “righteous inner rage” and get ready for war with a degree of our own “ruthlessness” that will decimate the enemy, and quit being pussies who follow all the rules of “normal, polite society”.

This is 2020, and if you think we still have a “normal, polite society” you have NOT been paying attention. We need to harden ourselves in the extreme.

We are a polite society, but only around each other. Strangers get the Saxon treatment. We have forgotten this. We are a day late and a dollar short, but people need to realize this has to get ugly. We are not in active negotiations. Those have ceased.

Do you remember the movie, “The Patriot”, after Benjamin Martin hacks his enemy to pieces with his tomahawk and looks in the camera covered in blood and bone bits? His son saw that. This is who we will have to be. Polite is a weapon they can use against us like a ring in a bull’s nose. Politically correct. Stop letting them narrate the damned story, already!

Either that, or our children will become slaves. Plain and simple choice.