
We elect traitors to our government’s offices to represent us, and they feather their own nest, take office, and become unimaginably wealthy in two or three terms. They stifle free speech and in some cases such as Waco, Texas, burn us alive. Or they try us in their kangaroo courts such as the ranchers recently were.

Fellow Americans I’m sure by now those who read my articles and postings understand full well I am a Patriot, I love my country and I say things that I feel that needs to be addressed. I’ve watched the events happen in the last thirty years come and then go. I’ve watched as lawbreakers continue committing acts of anarchy, the destruction of private property, and worst of all, I’ve watched our elected officials turn from those who elected them to a path of greed, corruption on a scale that is incomprehensible, and nothing happens to them. Many of them are encouraging and aiding those who would destroy our infrastructure.

I keep saying over and over, why isn’t something being done to these lawbreakers? How, in a Republic such as ours can the double standard that is so bluntly obvious, and to so many of us not addressed by those who can do something about it? Our corruption level is beginning to exceed that of so many third world countries. It doesn’t end, it continues, and it has become so transparent it is becoming laughable, as in a sick joke. A pair of rubber crutches isn’t funny. We are being used and abused by our so-called elected “Public Servants.” There appears to be no end to it.

Several of our former Presidents have been dipping their ham fists into the cookie jar and nobody lifts a finger to stop them or to bring them to justice. They have tried to make law with the stroke of a pen and us, the citizens who pay all the bills with our compulsory tax dollars and get little in return. What we do get is nonsensical laws that penalize us without end such as Obama Care. We are lied to, we are stolen from, we are shown a double standard of the rule of law, and what does anyone do about it? We elect traitors to our government’s offices to represent us, and they feather their own nest, take office, and become unimaginably wealthy in two or three terms. They stifle free speech and in some cases such as Waco, Texas, burn us alive. Or they try us in their kangaroo courts such as the ranchers recently were.

Then one day we elected a non-citizen to our highest office. He stole from us, gave trains full of our cash to our sworn enemies, committed so many crimes against the US it is almost impossible to count them all, and now he runs all over the world on our dime bad-mouthing the US. He loaded up our federal offices with traitors who spent eight years sabotaging our country using our money to do it with. He flooded our country with low life, incredibly backward people, who in their own words are committed to destroying us from within or from outside. Whatever it takes to destroy America. What do we do about it? NOTHING! Some refuse to swear loyalty to the US but they take our benefits with both hands and come with eight wives and thirty children.

In fact, there are people supporting and encouraging these vile acts of treason against you and me and they are doing it with impunity. It’s time we either take back our country or wait for the Marxist chains to be fitted to our necks. We have a president finally who wants to drain the swamp and wants to rid our country of those traitors. I will support him; I will continue to write articles supporting him and disparaging our home-grown enemies.

Wake up and support a president who by his acts and deeds is doing something. He is only one man, with a couple of hundred million behind him he can clean up the swamp with his help and we can take back our country. We are hanging on a rope overlooking a large valley which is our destiny.

Death is inevitable but slavery to us and future generations can be avoided and must be. If we look up and see the rope holding us up from plunging to our death and it is beginning to unravel, do we sit back and enjoy the view, or do we scramble up that rope while we can to save ourselves? Life is about choices. We are at a crossroads where the choice to remain free or to becomes slaves to an evil New World Order is up to us. Give me Liberty or give me death. I would rather be a free man than to die on my knees begging for a crust of bread by those who are supposed to be working for us but are working toward enslaving us.

There are too many who are also aiding and abetting the lawlessness we are experiencing. Why anyone would support lawlessness, arson, looting, the destruction of our infrastructure and elect those who also condone this treasonous activity to our offices is beyond my ability to understand. In nature, birds that share the same nest don’t foul it.

Traitors can never experience peace. They dwell on what they are to others and suffer internal strife.