A new epoch

Today, we have allowed “The Powers That Be” to turn the entire economy into a Wasting Asset.
In my opinion this was as intended.
You can not mismanage things this bad, unless you intend to do so.

As defined by wiki, An epoch, for the purposes of chronology and periodization, is an instant in time chosen as the origin of a particular calendar era.The “epoch” serves as a reference point from which time is measured. The moment of epoch is usually decided by congruity, or by following conventions understood from the epoch in question.

This year has been the year of “unprecedented”. Everything is unprecedented.

The Fed borrowed 4 trillion this year – that number simply takes the breath away. 4 trillion, poof, out of thin air. And to top that, they spent all of it and want to borrow more.

The government gave over half the population $1200 each.

They told 30 to 40 percent of the population not to go to work . . . and they did!/

They gave people who were not working more in unemployment than they ever made working.

The government decided which jobs were essential and which were not . . . and you believed them . . . even after you found out that pizza delivery was essential.

Gas dropped to $1.50 a gallon

People were told to work from home and both companies and employees loved it and do not intend to go back to the old ways.

And all those companies that supported the cube farm office high rise will never come back – restaurants, dry cleaners, auto sales, convenience stores, Starbucks.

Most students will never return to a campus education system.

The era of professional sports my be over because they cannot have fans in the stands.

Yes, it may be too early to tell, but the changes invoked appear to be taking root and create a systemic change in our behavior on many levels.

Systemic change – good phrase.

You don’t hear too much about how to manage Wasting Assets.

Think the big business of buggy whips.

Today, we have allowed “The Powers That Be” to turn the entire economy into a Wasting Asset.

The pass/fail test of management at all levels, is in progress.

In my opinion this was as intended.

You can not mismanage things this bad, unless you intend to do so.