The Art of War

Meanwhile, conservatives/Libertarians, (the right in many western nations), are living in quasi police states with these lock down, masking, (and soon to be vaccine), laws, and aside from angry letters in the newspapers, there is zero push back, let alone people on the streets confronting the state, despite the draconian policies, or in the case of the USA, their cities literally on fire and in open anarchy.

photography of the temple
Photo by David Besh on

Many Libertarians and conservatives are downplaying and/or ridiculing those in AntiFa and BLM as “soyboys” and a joke.

Both sides caricaturize each other in order to make themselves feel superior. Those lies are about to be shattered with impunity.

It’s a mistake to underestimate such groups.

I’m sure Russian police and soldiers would have viewed the Bolsheviks in the same manner originally. Yes violent. Yes radical, but outside of St Petersburg they have not the popular support or logistics to be successful….

It’s also important to acknowledge that AntiFa,/BLM is on the street in numbers pushing their agenda. Sure, they know the courts will go easy on them, but nevertheless, it’s still a risk that they are taking, yet they eagerly go about their cause without concern.

Meanwhile, conservatives/Libertarians, (the right in many western nations), are living in quasi police states with these lock down, masking, (and soon to be vaccine), laws, and aside from angry letters in the newspapers, there is zero push back, let alone people on the streets confronting the state, despite the draconian policies, or in the case of the USA, their cities literally on fire and in open anarchy.

“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” -Thomas Paine December 1776