It’s for your own good-part deux

I no longer believe a word they say… it’s not about controlling a disease, it’s about controlling a population.

It’s for your own good-part deux

She was so excited about starting college. She’s a good girl, very conservative, hard-working, top of her class on a full ride scholarship. Anyhooo…. Just started classes on Monday but she (her phone) apparently came within ‘6 of someone who tested positive. who? Who knows… anyway, she had the option of locking herself in her tiny room for 14 days without leaving at all (food would be delivered once per day) or go home for 14 days with 2 negative tests. Someone suggested that she should have turned off her phone’s ability to “bluetooth”. Unfortunately for the students, its a requirement of the college that they had to keep their “tracking devices” with them at all times. One of the students at the university was telling us that one of his professors said that the goal was to run students to six weeks and then shut the whole thing down declaring a covid crisis… six weeks means the university wouldn’t have to refund tuition.

Meanwhile a neighbor had a fever last week. She had a church event 12 days from the time of the fever, with many elderly, and wanting to do the right thing called the doctor to see if she needed to be tested. They told her a “Covid specialist” would call her. He did and told her she needed to be tested. She called back the Dr the next day to set up an appointment and they told her she had to wait 14 days after her last positive test… She said I have NOT had a positive test! Turns out the Covid Specialist had put down she was positive….

I no longer believe a word they say… it’s not about controlling a disease, it’s about controlling a population.

Young adults today need to take a lot more personal responsibility for their own futures because national institutions are FAILING across the board.

The answer might just be “do-it-yourself” university. Tomorrows’ post will show you how.