Stay Focused

Yes. They are lying to you. They want you to be scared. People who are fearful are more likely to OBEY without question.

How we got here is irrelevant. Blathering on about the poor education system that for the last few decades has been growing us a nice crop of commie scum is counterproductive. We are here, now, because of that and trying to assign fault to what has already happened is silly. That the “protester” who’s about to smash your car’s windows out with a rock is simply a misguided soul who was lied to by his socialist teachers is not a valid reason to delay preventative measures so you can engage him in a pleasant discourse of the differences of socialism versus democracy.

Its too late for that. No, I’m not saying people cannot have a reasonable discourse on events, I’m saying the middle of a danged riot is not the place to discuss it.

We’re in the middle of it now.

Information is a valuable commodity. Waiting until the threat is on your doorstep is poor planning. You must do better than that.

Recognize that the mainstream media, ALL of it is corrupt. They ALL have an agenda. “Oh, but I get my news from FOX”. Yeah….no. FOX is CNN with the dial slightly twisted to the right. Some of the other “conservative” news outlets are that with their dials set a bit farther to the right than that. Most of them serve a purpose to incite their “base”. Few actually have fair and balanced information but it is out there if you take the time to look.

That’s the real challenge because there’s so much crap out there it takes time to get through that just to find the one or two little nuggets of real information. So take a little time out of your already busy day to LOOK.

Be informed. You make better decisions that way.

Yes. They are lying to you. They want you to be scared. People who are fearful are more likely to OBEY without question. This is why the media does not present the full range of information on covid. This is why the WHO and other organizations do what they do. The whole bleeping thing is a construct of falsehoods, hype and BS designed to turn us against one another, be distracted while they act on other fronts and ultimately, change the course of our Country.

The media shows you the armed BLM “platoons” at Stone Mountain Georgia stopping motorists and demanding reparations, or the “chop” BS is Seattle. They do not show you the totally awesome speech President Trump gave at Mount Rushmore. They loudly announce each day’s death totals and new cases of covid but never mention that “the flu” is many times that nor do they note that heart disease, cancer and other ills kill more than this stupid virus. They omit other statistics and as a result governors around the country are shutting businesses down…again. Gee, I wonder why.

Stay informed. Don’t let them manipulate you. Focus on what needs to be done because tomorrow may be here sooner than you think.