The ControlYa Virus

Looking historically at that pandemic (1918-1919), then globally there is far far worse to come.

I have one question for you folks, and I hope it inspires some actual thought, reflection and perhaps some research. Though that may be hard as this thing has made the world so Orwellian with a touch of Atlas shrugging. Here is the question:

What is the historical precedent for the reaction this country and the world has had to this disease?

When in history was the last time we closed down businesses because of a sickness? When was the last time we quarantined THE HEALTHY? When was the last time in history we controlled how many folks could come together at one time? When was the last time in history that face masks were mandated?

The purpose of this post is for folks to think, remember, and research the questions. It is NOT to debate current closures and mandates.

The only answer I can find is the 1918-1919 flu pandemic.

Looking historically at that pandemic (1918-1919), then globally there is far far worse to come.

We are looking at a global depression. Followed by major/regional shooting war(s).

No idea, truthfully, on where/what/how. Wars could also be minor conflict types as well, land grab/resource grab kinda deals as well. Who knows?

That will occur well following the virus resolve, again if the timeline holds similar to 1918-1919, virus resolve should be under a few years (2-5, IMO).

Looking at WW2 in relation to the 1918-1919 pandemic, and the economic repercussions of such, I’d up a “predicted” time frame for similar type armed conflict by a decade. So whereas WW2 started in 1939, 20 years after the pandemic. I recon, we would experience large shooting conflict in a shorter time frame.

Within 5 to ten years following this pandemic resolve.

Simply put, due to more people on the planet, losing more due to the follow on depression. Idle hands, and all that, promulgating regional political change (ie brown shirts in Bavaria).

Could occur anywhere, however “easiest” to see would be a far more strict China when “push comes to shove” on the political side. Return towards hard core communism (never actually left, mind), however ‘en-mass at that point. No special economic zones & such. Return towards everyone wearing a potato sacks etc, because of “the EVIL West” kinda thing. etc.

China, in my opinion, would be the overlooked bear in the room in common main-stream media discussing such. In the short term following virus resolve.

China would have much to lose in a global depression, which again in my opinion, they caused.

If they lost all gained over the past 40 years, economically speaking, with ‘enmass corporate pullouts, sanctions etc they MAY deem themselves “up against a wall” and take things nuclear. “Simply” (in their minds) to even the field.

But again, who knows??

Could be regional South Africa trying for water.

Russia trying to revisit perceived/erroneous glory of “Union” days.

Pakistan not liking them folks over in India or vs a vs.