As a man thinketh…

That we have had so much contradicting dialogue and that there has been so much censorship, we are left either holding onto what we think is true, or losing all faith in all sources of information and acknowledging we CAN’T know what’s true unless and until we dig into the data ourselves. The latter is a huge undertaking virtually no one is capable of doing.

Your thoughts affect your immune system. It can work the opposite way as well —-changes in the immune system create changes in your nervous system which lead to changes in your emotions. Quiet simply put stress and unhealthy eating habits can influence how you think and feel. Simply put – your mental state affects your immunity. Research today is beginning to unravel the complex connection between your psychological state and your immune system.

The immune system is comprised of organs, tissues, cells and cell products that all work together to fight harmful substances like the pathogens that cause infection and disease.

If our lives are greatly influenced by the hormones of stress, then the natural function of the immune system is suppressed, which leaves us more prone to illness or disease.

When stress is prolonged or unrelenting, it becomes known as chronic stress. Chronic or bad stress can be detrimental to mental and physical health.

Constant worrying about things like family or problems are examples of chronic stress. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is another form of chronic stress.

The immune system is a collection of billions of cells that travel through the bloodstream. They move in and out of tissues and organs, defending the body against foreign bodies (antigens) such as bacteria, viruses and cancerous cells.
The main types of immune cells are white blood cells.

Being positive and having a healthy perspective could be the difference between longevity and disease. Every thought you have produces a chemical which signals the body to feel exactly the way you are thinking. In turn your thoughts will generate feelings, and your feelings will generate thoughts.

This creates a vicious cycle — being mindful of your thoughts in the morning could be the difference in what type of day you have.

The release of stress hormones is the result of a number of complex and interacting factors such as the interaction between the stressors and our perception of the stress.

How we perceive an event plays a very significant role in whether the stressor triggers our stress response or not.

Stop and ask yourself, if the media hadn’t been constantly beating the fear drum since last December about the Corona virus, would you have even noticed it?

Month after month, week after week, day after day, hour after hour panicky headlines predicting doom.
“US surpasses world in active cases of Covid-19” , “Hospitals overwhelmed, refrigerated morgue trucks brought in”… and on and on.

Contradictory “information” from “experts” that confuses us further. “Wear a mask”, “Don’t wear a mask”, “Heat kills the virus, go out in the sun”, “Stay inside and sanitize everything” until even the most sensible persons’ head is spinning and their stress level is through the roof.

Confirmation bias is, I think, a huge player these days. People live in an echo chamber. We listen to news we trust and deem other sources of being biased. We look for confirmation of our beliefs without analyzing the actual data.

That we have had so much contradicting dialogue and that there has been so much censorship, we are left either holding onto what we think is true, or losing all faith in all sources of information and acknowledging we CAN’T know what’s true unless and until we dig into the data ourselves. The latter is a huge undertaking virtually no one is capable of doing.

So when we see news reports like “96% Of All People Tested Are Positive, Most Asymptomatic”, how many of us actually get on the phone to call the facilities that provided this information to the news source? I found an article a couple days ago where Florida was found to be in error with regard to positive C-19 test cases. Rather than 96%, the number was 9.6%. That’s a big difference!! So was the error deliberate or accidental?

Evil or stupid?

That seems to be the recurring question of our times.

In my opinion, it is intentional and evil. The question you need to ask yourself is simply, WHY?