Mr. Sam would be grieved

The apostate morality of egalitarianism allows the Enemy to claim the moral high ground, yet nothing could be further from the truth. It is the most fundamental rule of decent governance that a tiny minority cannot make decisions for the majority. Give them one inch, and they will seize the mile. While we breathe, there can never be peace.

Bentonville is the lovely little town in Northwest Arkansas that I have spent nearly my entire life in. At the heart of Bentonville, in the center of our town square, there has rested a Confederate monument for the last 112 years, honoring the Southern soldiers who, carrying on the spirit of their Revolutionary fathers and grandfathers, gave their lives for the freedom of their fellow Southrons and all of their descendants. For over a century, not one man quarreled with our monument. That changed within the past few years, just as Bentonville has, just as our whilom nation has. Last autumn, our monument was attacked and seriously damaged by two egalitarian brownshirts, both of whom are members of the nouveau riche that have lately colonized our town. Now, without one single vote cast, without a single town hall, without a single word of notice, the rulers of Bentonville have unilaterally decided to remove our monument.

I embarked upon this investigation to answer one simple question: Who removed our Confederate monument? After weeks of obfuscation, unreturned phone calls, and warnings to not tread where there be dragons, I was able to unearth the truth. What I discovered was an extraordinarily vast conspiracy, three years in the making, planned and carried out by a culprit so powerful that the local newspaper refused to print a condensed version of this piece. While it was initially written for the citizens of Bentonville, its microcosmic message applies to all of us, in every defiled town across this country that once was ours.

Bentonville is much like any other small Southern town, save for one thing — it is the headquarters of Walmart. Historically, we have been much the better for it; Bentonville has long been a cocoon, into which the problems of the nation have rarely intruded. Yet, as all things must end, so too must this, for while the retailer undoubtedly built this town, it will also be our demise. Death has marched into our town under the guise of “Progress.” The removal of our Confederate monument is but one part of the larger process whereby our town has been leveled and transformed, remade in the image of the vampiric Carpetbaggers and Scalawags that wealth has ushered in. Bentonville is now unrecognizable as the town in which I came of age, the town that Sam Walton so cherished. Its new ruling class is comprised of outsiders with managerial pedigree, transient mercenaries who hold no stake in our town. Many of them do not even live here full-time, and yet they have taken it upon themselves to bring us benighted, deplorable yokels down into their enlightened cave.

The decision to remove our monument was announced as violent activists gathered at the statue to “protest” in support of the American Kristallnacht that we are now witnessing. Though at first glance, this timing appears to be yet another pathetic attempt to placate the insatiable “color revolution”, this decision was set in motion three years ago, when the chief of a certain corporate behemoth with deep roots in our town approached the United Daughters of the Confederacy, the owner of our monument. About one year ago, this same entity chose to sever those roots, using the shoestring Benton County Historical Society as a front to present a deal to the UDC. By its terms, the UDC had to officially initiate the removal, in order to make it appear as if it was their organic idea, a choice freely made. On the contrary, this deal was an offer that could not be refused; though the UDC was never explicitly threatened, the informal participation of one Benton County judge cast a long shadow. In the background of the proceedings was the knowledge that, were they to refuse this opportunity, that judge, a man who, quite hypocritically, campaigned on “trust, integrity, and transparency”, was available to issue an order that would have forced the UDC to remove it within twelve months, or else let it be removed by the County.

Of course, a carrot accompanied the stick. Through well-handled negotiations, the UDC was able to secure a new private park in which to honor our monument and Confederate dead, named for Arkansas Representative, Senator, Governor, and Confederate veteran James H. Berry. The UDC thus made the best of a bad situation, and I cannot fault them for the agreement; indeed, that is not the point. The point is that this was a blatant deception whereby our town has been forever altered, without any transparency or public deliberation to speak of. The conspirators handled this brilliantly; though they operated in the trappings of local government, thus establishing the implicit support of the State, our public officials had no legal duty to disclose anything to us. By using entirely private money, our elected representatives were allowed to follow the orders of their corporate handlers to circumvent the political process and subvert the will of the people. These officials lied to our faces for the entirety of the last three years, consistently assuring us that any potential removal or relocation of our monument would be put to a vote, thereby leading us to believe that we were still in control of the destiny of our town. Clear now, for all to see, is the truth that Bentonville is not a democracy — it is a kingdom.

The conspiracy succeeded with aplomb; the identity of the culprit is known only to a select few, all of whom are extremely reticent to discuss the matter. Even the supporters of our statue have been misled into believing that the UDC wanted this to happen; for anyone who cares to peek behind that curtain, the old adage holds true: follow the money. The UDC can hardly afford to dismantle and relocate a monument, nor can it afford to develop a new park; all of this will be paid for by the entity that set it in motion. Monument removal and relocation costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, a price compounded by the fact that ours has already been damaged and thus must be repaired. Who could care so much about erasing the memory of the Confederate States of America that they are willing to spend such exorbitant sums? The hostile class that has infiltrated and transformed the American company into the globalist corporation believes itself to be the arbiter of morality, while we provincials are merely their serfs, irredeemable peons who cannot be entrusted with directing our own lives. Why did we allow them to take our town from us?

As our riven nation burns, symbols of Southern heritage have been targeted as never before. Be not deceived — the Founding Fathers are next. When Old Dixie is finally driven down, Old Glory will wither away along with her. Where is the counterrevolution? Do we not realize that if we cannot stand for what might now seem to be the small things, we cannot stand for anything? Why do no sons and daughters of the South offer any resistance? A large part of the answer is that we stand alone. The South has not been represented in American government since the Egalitarian Revolution of the Sixties, and the Republican Party that claims to be our protector exists solely to harness the Southern spirit and redirect it straight into the ground. While the Left has metastasized for the last eight decades, the Right has been relentlessly purged from the ranks of the cocktail conservatives, hijacked and crushed.

Thus, in our present state of disorganization, when we dare to stand for ourselves, we know that we have no institutional support, and thus no insulation whatsoever. We are a stateless people, in the unique position of voting, every election cycle, for men who work tirelessly to accelerate our dispossession. We then tell ourselves that we do this because the alternative choice, which is indeed stark raving mad, advocates for our dispossession. So, in order to avoid the Enemy in its avowed form, we run into the arms of the very same Enemy in disguise. The Republican Party dies when we understand that it, along with the corporate “private” sector that it is beholden to, is a far greater threat to our people than the rabid Leftism that so repulses us. What of the faux originalists in the judiciary? In one week, the spuriously “conservative” Supreme Court upheld the unconstitutional Obama amnesty, refused to hear any Second amendment cases, refused to address California’s “Sanctuary State” law, and essentially enacted the Equal Rights Amendment by applying the already unconstitutional Civil Rights Act to homosexuals and transgenders, opening the floodgates to a deluge of new depredations. Just as our unrepresentative government is illegitimate, so too are the kritarchs in black who sit on the Court and credulously place the “constitutional” stamp upon whatever the ruling class wishes it to.

The apostate morality of egalitarianism allows the Enemy to claim the moral high ground, yet nothing could be further from the truth. It is the most fundamental rule of decent governance that a tiny minority cannot make decisions for the majority. Give them one inch, and they will seize the mile. While we breathe, there can never be peace. Our Confederate monument might have been relocated rather than destroyed, but the Enemy will never be satisfied until it is obliterated, and then until there is no record that it ever existed. These monuments are not stone, but rather material representations of our forefathers, and, by extension, ourselves. They are a solemn reproach, a constant height to which the Enemy can never ascend, a reminder of the glorious nation that the Enemy knows he could never have built. Thus, to profane our altars and debase our monuments is more than a means to psychologically humiliate us; erasing the memories of our accomplishments makes them feel better about having none of their own. They come for monuments now because they can, and now that they know that nothing stands in their path, it cannot be long now until they come for us. Witness the toppling of Christopher Columbus statues across the country, an unmistakable declaration of war with only one message — that we do not belong here, that America should not exist. What is our response?
