Walmart & BLM

When we establish SPECIAL standards to “protect” specific people based on skin color, gender, religion, etc… we enforce the racism, not address it.

Walmart has jumped on the bandwagon to accommodate the demands of Black Lives Matter. They are not, however, alone in the corporate rush toward political correctness. There are many others in the business world who are rushing to change product names, logos and “reeducate” their employees with enhanced “sensitivity training”.

The content and language will all be very carefully crafted to appear neutral, claim how we ALL must treat each other equally. But just like the civilian world, media, etc, there will be an undertone that it is the white males who are naturally the oppressors/racists.

It will be aimed at them and charged as their duty to capitulate. They will be quietly made to be understand that they are privileged and can’t Possibly understand how those of other colors feel.

It’s divisive and, in its own way, just as racist.

When we teach things like this, we are propagating the division.

When we establish SPECIAL standards to “protect” specific people based on skin color, gender, religion, etc… we enforce the racism, not address it.

But can we ever have a truly honest, open, blunt discussion on how to fix things?

I doubt it. Every time it is attempted it seems to instantly fall into blaming whites. If that can’t be avoided, no worthwhile discussion is to be had. Conversely, if blacks can’t find a way to accept responsibility for their own actions, take some action to improve their lives without handouts and special incentives, nothing will change.

We are a nation where All men are created equal, what we do with that is up to us. If we wallow in a preconceived victim mentality we will squander it. If we continue to work to better ourselves…