Scripture for Saturday, June 20, 2020

The word “nation” in Greek is ethnos (eth’-nos). It means race, or tribe.

Luke 11:17

Because Jesus knew what they were thinking, he said to them, “Every kingdom involved in civil war becomes a wasteland, and a house torn apart by divisions will collapse.

 Three times in scripture, Jesus speaks about wars and such and what things must happen before He calls God’s children home. This morning, though, a particular phrase stuck in my head and it appears three times: nation shall rise against nation. Mat. 24:7, Mark 13:8, and Luke 21:10 all say the same exact thing = For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. Focus on the words “nation” and “kingdom.” 

The word “nation” in Greek is ethnos (eth’-nos). It means race, or tribe. This scripture has been read for years and described by many pulpiteers as the conflicts between the USA and Russia, or USA and China, or USA and Iran/Iraq or any other combination of other land masses (nations) against other land masses (nations).

Jesus did speak of wars and rumor of wars which would be between land masses (nations). But this part, “…nation shall rise against nation…” specifically means that races (people of EVERY color, EVERY skin tone) will begin to start coming against one another and tearing each other down.

Jesus knows today, just as He did when He walked this earth, that nations (land masses) would have different “ethnos” (nations, races) on every one of them. If you read this any other way and claim I am racist, then you better look into my life. I have a “mixed” stepson with 3 different “ethnos” in his blood.

I am trying to bring clarification to something: “ethnos” is destroying our cities, our states, and our nation. If you are saved, your are not a “white” Christian, nor a “black” Christian, nor a “brown” Christian, and on and on. You are a CHRISTIAN. But, even when surveys are taken, no matter the subject, the surveyor breaks down the main topic into “FOR AND AGAINST” (example) but then goes on to break it down into “ethnos” voted this way, “age” voted this way, etc. 

Christ then says, “…kingdom against kingdom…” In Greek the word is basileia (bas-il-i’-ah). This means royalty, rulers, and realms. Can we not see with our eyes that we have not only been divided by nation (ethnos – race) but also broken into financial classes. There is the upper – upper class. Upper class. Upper-middle. Middle. Upper-lower. Lower. And what is crazy each “kingdom” (class) only votes for those who will do their “kingdom” (class) any good.

Every political speech is filled with “kingdom issues” (ex = I will work for the middle class and blah blah blah. (insert whatever class)). Politicians also use words such as, “I will work for this “ethnos” and that “ethnos.” No wonder America is falling apart. BOTH PARTIES are chocked full of liars but yet we still allow them to speak to our “ethnos and basileia” (race and class) instead of speaking to us as humans, as equals, as children created by an amazing God.

Christ spoke to all and never gave a “speech” where race or class was involved. He spoke to all. He died for all. He intercedes for all. His blood covers all. His stripes heal all. He saves all. He delivers all. HE LOVES ALL. 

In closing, HE said this also, in Luke 11:17 = EVERY kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house against a house falls. BUT, even, notice the next verse, 18, = If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand..?” It’s amazing that Satan is smart enough to realize the power of unity. He gets it but there are some of us in America who don’t. 

Let’s quit being “ethnos” (colors), quit being “basileia” (classes), quit being denominations, quit being religious. The enemy loves when we are divided. Psalms 133:1-3 = How beautiful and how pleasant it is for brethren (all colors, all classes) to dwell together in unity. It is like precious ointment…for there (unity) the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.