Herd immunity?

We also know that individuals receiving the “live” vaccines (measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, rotavirus, and oral polio) “shed” them for weeks afterward, and are contagious to family members, friends, and close contacts.

death of nature

With the advent of CoVid-19 there is a renewed push for A) speedily finding a vaccine to “treat” this menacing outbreak of the “Wu Flu”, (which is, most likely, not a flu at all). There has been talk bandied about regarding the declaration of martial law to “enforce” administration of vaccines in the name of public health. This is the same argument leveled against parents who objected to the vaccination of their children. There is still not enough hard evidence regarding the CoVid-19 virus but we can extrapolate from what was posited regarding inoculations against measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, whooping cough and the HN strains of influenza. The public hysteria that has led a number of states to declare an emergency arose largely in response to measles outbreaks in 2016 and 2019.

It’s also worth remembering that virtually everyone of my generation came down with measles in grade school and recovered without complications; nobody thought it an emergency back then, so there was no urgent need for a vaccine in the first place.

The alleged emergency rests on two assumptions so widely regarded as self-evident that they are rarely challenged:

  1. that these measles outbreaks are spread mainly by the unvaccinated, and
  2. that vaccines are so effective that only the unvaccinated are still susceptible and thus capable of transmitting the disease to others.

But, there is ample scientific evidence that exactly the opposite is true.

Although public health officials rarely admit it, the vast majority of the cases of measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough, and influenza in both past and recent outbreaks, typically from 75-95%, have been in vaccinated individuals;5 in the case of mumps, the figure is typically 95-100%.6   So even if everyone were vaccinated, and all non-medical exemptions eliminated, as the new laws require, similar outbreaks are virtually certain to continue.

We also know that individuals receiving the “live” vaccines (measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, rotavirus, and oral polio) “shed” them for weeks afterward, and are contagious to family members, friends, and close contacts.  As for the “non-living” vaccines, recent studies show that current outbreaks of whooping cough are likewise being spread mainly by vaccinated individuals, through the development of vaccine-resistant strains, while analogous mutations have been documented in the case of HiB, pneumococcus, IPV, HPV, and other non-living vaccines as well.  In short, the push to vaccinate everybody, and the bullying that typically accompanies it, actually help to propagate the diseases that the vaccines were meant to eradicate.

The only scary feature of the 2019 outbreaks is that a large number of those infected have been shown to bear the genotype of the vaccine virus, rather than the wild type, so that for the first time a significant proportion of the cases are unvaccinated, providing still more convincing proof that the vaccine is spreading the disease, because the disease itself has mutated in response to it, an ominous sign for the future.

Vaccines are much less safe and effective than we’ve been led to believe. Keep in mind that they’re given purely on the basis of long-term health policy, rather than in response to a genuine public-health emergency. Most of them are directed against:

  1. diseases that were once life-threatening, but already declining in incidence and mortality before the vaccines were introduced, thanks to improvements in sanitation, water quality, and other public-health measures (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus);
  2. ordinary diseases of childhood that most people contracted and recovered from without complications or sequelæ (measles, mumps, rubella, flu, rotavirus, chickenpox); or
  3. sporadic illnesses linked to mutant strains of organisms that are part of our normal flora and relatively seldom cause invasive disease (pneumococcus, HiB).

To be pronounced effective, vaccines need satisfy just two narrow criteria: a significant reduction in the incidence, morbidity, and mortality of the corresponding illnesses following their use; and significant, prolonged increases in the level of serum antibodies against the micro-organisms targeted by them.

Vaccines achieving these objectives often prove to have been much less successful when investigated more systematically. For two reasons, the flu vaccine, for example, is virtually predestined to fail, even when it succeeds in preventing many cases of the strain it is directed against: first, because the extreme mutability of the influenza viruses virtually guarantees that a different vaccine will be needed every year, and sometimes even within the same season, with different specifications that cannot be known in advance; and second, because the generic illness we know as “the flu” is linked to many different viruses, by no means restricted to the influenza group for which it is named.

Some version of the same issue hovers over the other vaccines as well. Even when they satisfy both criteria, the viruses and bacteria they are directed against reliably mutate into different strains of the same or closely-related organisms, which are not counted in the statistics, a process which is greatly accelerated by these determined and systematic attempts to eliminate them.

Likewise, the level of specific antibodies in the blood has dismally failed to provide an accurate measure of immune status after vaccination. Even their advocates admit that vaccines are never completely effective, since most targeted diseases continue to break out and even predominate in highly-vaccinated populations, as we saw.

These alleged “vaccine failures” are then invoked to impose additional booster doses, based on the assumptions:

  1. that they represent “bad batches,” and nothing more;
  2. that low antibody levels in the vaccinated mean that the vaccines have simply “worn off,” leaving behind nothing but a “blank slate;”
  3. that the titer can be ratcheted up to the desired level by simply adding more shots; and
  4. that the antibody level is an accurate measure of immune status, of the extent to which the vaccinated are resistant to infection with the natural disease.

Unfortunately, none of these assumptions stands up to careful scrutiny.

The vaccine manufacturers design, (and in many cases fund), the safety trials.)

As to safety, vaccine safety trials, virtually without exception, are funded, conducted, and micromanaged by the manufacturers themselves, and then rubber-stamped by the government agencies that are supposed to be regulating them, a more blatant style of corruption pithily summarized by a former Vice-President of Pfizer who had witnessed and indeed helped to perpetrate it:

Everybody is out there begging for money. The big international corporations have lots of money. They give grants for research, pay doctors and researchers thousands to travel around, speak at conferences, and establish educational programs, all to make profits for their products. The safety trials are supposed to be third-party and independent, but the money won’t keep coming unless they say what you want them to say. The insiders know this is how things work. Only the public doesn’t know it.

The basic strategies developed to conceal or minimize adverse reactions include the following:
instead of inert placebo, the so-called “control” groups are given the toxic chemical ingredients of the vaccines under study, or a different vaccine entirely;24
to qualify as vaccine-related, adverse reactions must occur within hours, or days, or at most a week or two after the shot, thus arbitrarily ruling out the entire chronic dimension, within which the majority of them occur.25
they must appear on the vanishingly small list already recognized by the industry, thereby excluding the possibility of discovering new ones; and
adverse effects reported by the recipients but not specifically asked about by the research team are subject to numerous restrictions, with the lead investigator given complete authority to disqualify them, based on criteria that are never specified.26
Naturally, the upshot of these shenanigans has been massive under reporting of adverse reactions, estimated at somewhere between 1% and 0.1% of the true figure.

The manufacturers have been in command of the process ever since the 1980’s, when multiple lawsuits resulted in large payouts for brain damage following the DPT vaccine, whereupon they threatened to stop making vaccines entirely unless Congress excused them from all further liability.

In 1986, Congress  acceded to their ultimatum by passing the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which created the taxpayer-funded VICP program for compensating claims, and deprived patients and experimental subjects of their right to sue the manufacturer for damages, a free ride granted to no other industry. In 2011, the Supreme Court actually signed off on this devil’s bargain, ruling that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe,” so that the industry must indeed be excused for whatever deaths or injuries may result from them!

Another bottom line of the fake emergency, and the bad science cited to justify it, is the aggressive campaign by the drug industry, the CDC, and the doctors who follow their lead to dispense with fundamental human rights that have long been inseparable from our American way of life, upheld in our courts, and still loudly proclaimed even by those most determined to take them away.

Without a real emergency, forcing parents to vaccinate their children against their will, their best judgment, and their deepest instincts:

  1. denies them the right to choose the form of health care that they feel is best for their children;
  2. forces them to accept an unnecessary and unsafe medical procedure without their fully-informed consent; and
  3. forfeits their children’s right to an education if they persist in refusing the procedure.

The Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Declaration, both of which we helped write and still profess to abide by, explicitly forbid any medical procedure, treatment, or experiment undertaken without the fully-informed consent of the recipient.