Tinfoil conspiracy? Maybe not…

The powers that be, the media, medical leaders all say; “Keep calm. We have the Covid 19 virus under control.

We, the general public, are being lied to so we keep calm. Just like sheep in the loading chutes leading to the charnal house. The powers that be, the media, medical leaders all say; “Keep calm. We have the Covid 19 virus under control.

I have found another possible explanation. It is far out… it is probably “unlikely”… and it is scary as hell.

Covid-19 was released early October, right before the start of the flu season, for exactly that reason. This may be easier to do it in a list:
*Covid-19 is an immunosuppressant.
*It binds with the ACE2 receptors
*The less you have, the longer it takes to colonize your body, which means you’re an asymptomatic for longer, which explains the lag time seen in Western Countries and the explosion in cases in other Geographic areas.
*Likely was released in Iran and China, not too long apart, Iran being earlier than China.
*Covid-19 slowly builds up and keeps the immune system suppressed. It’s highly contagious. R9+ or more. Thailand was able to treat it with anti-HIV drugs, for a reason.
*You’re already infected. I am not fear mongering, it’s been out since October.
*Asian countries start showing signs first, because ACE2 is highest
*It’s not “reinfecting”, it’s being smashed out by your immune system, then pulls the old “Dengue” effect, it then infects those antibodies and this is what leads to the Cytokine storm.
*Children weren’t especially hit by flu, while adults in every area are reporting significantly higher numbers than normal and R1 is more like R-Everyone.
*Children aren’t being hit as hard because it’s taking longer to suppress their immune systems. Except babies, they are getting smashed this year in ili deaths.
*Again, you’re already infected.
*Once you get to critical levels of the virus load (and this is why we see damage in testes, kidneys and lungs because they’ve been there for quite some time) your body will fight it off, unless you get a secondary viral or bacterial infection.
*Once you produce the antibodies to it, the viral store (just like HIV) reemerge and cause the cytokine storm, which is why they are observing the “reinfection” causing sudden death.
*Elderly have weak immune systems, it’s why they fall ill faster. Everyone on that cruise ship is infected, symptoms or not. Testing for fever isn’t effective, since it suppresses the fever reaction.
*Asian countries will fall first, following Western Countries, and it would have dragged the Middle East at the same time as Asia but they miscalculated the lag due to ACE2 amounts being more unpredictable than the models.
*Kids will get sick last, die faster.
*It’s not inherently deadly, it’s the secondary illness danger and cytokine storm once your body realizes it’s completely colonized.
*Chloroquine works because it’s stopping the growth inside the cells, or killing it once it emerges after replication. Unsure.
*Anti-HIV drugs work because it’s keeping the viral load down and not triggering the cytokine storm response. It won’t let the immune system be as suppressed, so you can fight it off.
*The longer it runs inside you, the faster and deadlier the cytokine storm will be. Stop the Cytokine Storm and stop the Immunosuppressant action and you stop the death rate.
*You will stay infected after you get better, you need to help keep the viral load down until they finally make DRACO a reality. It’s highly likely due to the size of the RNA in Covid-19 that DRACO will prove to be highly effective in eliminating it from your body.
*USE A NETI POT TO CLEAN YOUR SINUSES to keep the viral shed low and it from being constantly put back in your lungs and back in your body. Don’t wear a respirator without cleaning your sinus cavity first.
*Again, trying to stay uninfected won’t work, you’re already infected.
I’ll add more, I typed this as fast as I could. Vitamin D has been said to stop a Cytokine Storm. I hope I’m wrong, but looking at what we have seen as far as patterns go, this makes the most sense. It goes exponential once it reaches a certain viral threshold due to geographic genetic similarities in ACE2, it means it’s not traveling in pipes like SAR’s it’s simply that everyone is already infected.
*Don’t spend time in a hospital where the infected already are.
*Don’t keep in close contact with anyone as it could increase the amount of viral shed you take in and lead to a faster immune response.
*Western countries lag time will be twice that of Asian Countries, it won’t take off here until Mid-March.

Let us HOPE that this is the stuff of science fiction and not the result of science fact.