A blue wave?

Senate Democrats,manipulating parliamentary procedure and making spectacular and unsubstantiated charges for political gain, with the active and avid cooperation of many of their friends and fans in the press

Blue wave

One of the longstanding rules of life is that nothing is free in politics; there is some question when you pay the price.

The Democrats are now paying the price of their shameless promotion of lies and cynical and unprincipled changes in the rules for short-term gain.

The question still remains, whether voters will also make the party pay. Until recently, the intensity of the Democratic voter base was measurably greater than that of the Republicans heading toward the midterm elections. Now the gap has closed.

I can’t think of a more embarrassing scandal for the United States Senate since the McCarthy hearings,” said Texas Republican John Cornyn as Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Judiciary Committee on the afternoon of Sept. 27, “when the question was, ‘Have you no sense of decency?'”

Senate Democrats,manipulating parliamentary procedure and making spectacular and unsubstantiated charges for political gain, with the active and avid cooperation of many of their friends and fans in the press, have been doing this throughout the confirmation process for the Supreme Court nomination of Kavanaugh. They have, in truth, been doing it for decades now. Character assassination has become their weapon of choice.

Conservative talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh warned Republicans that voters would destroy them if they failed to confirm Kavanaugh. It’s an issue that has stoked political passions. If Democrats don’t get the blue wave election they have been hoping for and believing in, they will know at least one reason why.

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“A Republic, if you can keep it”                 “A Wake of Vultures”

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