The Pain in Bill Clinton’s Aspirin

When Yugoslavia began separating into ethnic republics it started out peacefully, (Slovenia) and then degenerated into violence, (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzogoveina). There were atrocities based on traditional animosities on all sides: Serb; Croat and Muslim.

As President, Bill Clinton orchestrated the ill-advised and unenforceable Dayton accords which has resulted in;

1)an apparent permanent American Military presence,

2)a war cost that amounted to over $15 billion before Clinton left office,

3) By siding with the Muslims against the Serbs, the United States fanned the fires of Islamist extremists, something even Clinton’s chief peace negotiator Richard Holbrook characterized as “a pact with the devil”.

Clinton orchestrated a bombing campaign against the Serbs from March through June 1999 without the consent of Congress. The House of Representatives voted against authorizing Clinton’s bombing of the Serbs, a direct violation of the Constitution.

To support this unconstitutional action, the Clinton administration suggested that as many as 225,000 Albanian Muslims went missing or were murdered. A later study by a Spanish investigator sent to uncover evidence of Serbian atrocities reported that we found not one mass grave.” He added; ” The final figure of dead in Kosovo will be 2,500 at most which will include many deaths that cannot be attributed to anyone in particular.” All this in an area that held no vital interests of the United States in jeopardy.

The war against the Serbs was not the first time that Clinton used US air power. On August 20, 1998 he personally ordered the bombing of the El Shifa Pharmaceutical Industries Company  in Sudan, claiming that the factory produced nerve gas and was funded by Osama Bin Ladin. Clinton claimed that the bombing was in retaliation for the bombing of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. All claims of illicit manufacture were subsequently found to be false and the factory actually was used to produce veterinary products and OTC medicines, mostly aspirin. There also was no evidence of a connection to Bin Laden.

This bombing makes no sense until you realize that August 20, 1998 was the date that White House intern Monica Lewinsky was to testify before a Grand Jury and that Clinton made his non-apology apology speech to the American people later that week, (when we found out how to parse what the meaning of the word “is” is.)

Obviously, this was back at a time when the resident of the White House was little concerned when someone “took a knee”.